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Ellsworth Industrial Park Site

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Contact Information

Community Involvement Coordinator
Virginia Narsete (narsete.virginia@epa.gov)
312-886-4359 or 800-621-8431, ext. 64359

Remedial Project Manager
Mazin Enwiya (enwiya.mazin@epa.gov)

Superfund Supervisor
Matt Mankowski (mankowski.matthew@epa.gov)

EPA Attorney
Tom Krueger (krueger.thomas@epa.gov)


(where to view written records)

Downers Grove Public Library
1050 Curtiss St.
Downers Grove, IL



From May 2001 to January 2002, the Illinois EPA sampled more than 500 residential wells in unincorporated areas near Downers Grove, Illinois, and found more than 400 of these wells to be contain the chemicals trichloroethylene (TCE) and/or tetrachloroethylene (PCE). Of those, more than 200 were above the federal safe drinking water standards. As a result, one of the most intensive ground water investigations ever undertaken in Northern Illinois was conducted by U.S. EPA Region 5's Emergency Response Branch and the Illinois EPA.

The Ellsworth Industrial Park Site is a direct result of this $2 million-dollar effort. The investigation indicated that a group of 15 former and present businesses and individuals in the industrial park that investigation may be responsible for the residential ground water contamination. EPA sent General and Special Notice Letters to this group of "Potentially Responsible Parties," or PRPs, in the September and October of 2002. EPA has asked this group of PRPs to address the threat to human health and the environment by paying most of the costs of hooking up approximately 800 homes to Lake Michigan water and by beginning their own investigation of how to address the contamination in the area,s ground water.

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