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Coshocton Landfill

Site Information
  • Coshocton, OH (Coshocton County)
  • EPA ID# OHD980611735
  • Alias(es): N/A
  • [Map or link to Photos]
Contact Information

Community Involvement Coordinator
Susan Pastor (pastor.susan@epa.gov)
312-353-1325 or 800-621-8431, ext. 31325

Remedial Project Manager
David Linnear (linnear.david@epa.gov)
312-886-1841 or 800-621-8431, ext. 61841


(where to view written records)

Coshocton Public Library
655 Main St.



The 80-acre Coshocton Landfill site is located at State Route 83 Franklin Township, Coshocton, Coshocton County, Ohio. It originally was used for coal strip mining in the mid-1900s. Later, the city operated it as a landfill from 1968 to 1979. A 1977 fire contaminated ground water, surface water and soil with various types of waste including alcohols, acetone, xylene and neoprene. The city's residents live about three miles from the landfill, however, their water supply is not affected.

The final cleanup plan was selected in 1988. The city of Coshocton and the seven companies determined to be responsible for the contamination paid for the cleanup consisting of a cap over 40 acres of the landfill. EPA deleted this site from its Superfund list in 1998.

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Site Updates

April 2009

EPA has completed a status review of the cleanup. This type of review is required at least every five years where the cleanup is complete but hazardous waste remains managed on-site. These reviews are done to ensure that the cleanup continues to protect people and the environment.

The review included:

The review found that the cleanup continues to protect people and the environment. The next scheduled review will be in 2013.

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