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    (ex. Darfur)

    (ex. HR 180)

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Making an Appropriations Request

Thank you for your interest in submitting an appropriations request for FY10 via the office of Congresswoman Barbara Lee.

  • The deadline for submitting appropriations requests will be Sunday, February 15, 2009. Additional requests will not be considered after this time. 
  • Please note: Requests are only accepted and considered from eligible non-profit organizations.
  • All requests should be limited to $250,000 or less.
  • Please limit your requests to three (3) total projects or less.
  • For any specific questions regarding select appropriations subcommittees, please contact the listed staffer.

For information regarding the House Committee on Appropriations and the Subcommittees, please view the Committee homepage.

Status of Appropriations Legislation
Here you can view the current status of appropriation legislation for the next fiscal year.

To view a list of FY 2010 project requests, click here.

Staff Contacts

     (Ken Nealy)
Commerce, Justice, Science
     (Ken Nealy)
     (Ken Nealy)
Energy and Water
     (Ken Nealy)
Financial Services
     (Ken Nealy)
Homeland Security
     (Ken Nealy)
Interior and Environment
     (Christos Tsentas)
Labor, Health and Human Services, Education
      (Labor – Ken Nealy; HHS – Christos Tsentas; Education – Ken Nealy)
Legislative Branch
      (Ken Nealy, Chris Lee)
Military Construction, Veterans Administration
      (Ken Nealy)
State, Foreign Operations
      (Asia, Middle East, Europe, Africa, Western Hemisphere – Ken Nealy; Christos Tsentas – Global HIV/AIDS)
Transportation, Housing and Urban Development
      (Transportation - Christos Tsentas; Housing and Urban Development – Ken Nealy)