Lessons Learned Database


Radiological Operations Support Center - Best Practice





Lesson Learned Statement:

At the Savannah River Site (SRS), the Radiological Operations Support Center (ROSC) has been established to provide a centralized resource for practical applications of the "as low as reasonable achievable" approach to work as well as a clearinghouse of information. The ROSC consists of mutually supporting groups targeted at efforts in waste minimization and pollution prevention, radiological hazard reduction and safe, cost effective operations.

In 2003, the ROSC earned an SRS Facility Evaluation Board (FEB) Noteworthy Practice communicated during a FEB evaluation, indicating that this is a particularly effective and efficient, innovative method that has been developed and implemented to meet SRS business needs.


SRS has developed innovative engineered controls over the years to assist in the reduction of ionizing radiation exposure to as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). The engineering controls have not been centralized enough to allow for a significant reduction in PPE. Expertise has developed in select areas across the site based on the needs of the nearby facilities or the capabilities of the personnel associated with these facilities.

To focus the development effort on improved-engineered controls and to communicate these capabilities to site personnel, the Radiological Operations Support Center has been established. The model for this center is the Hanford ALARA Center of Technology. The Hanford center began operation in 1996 to meet the increasing demand for improved engineered controls to reduce dose, limit the spread of contamination, and minimize the amount of radioactive waste generated.


Support Center Function
The ROSC provides direct, centralized support to operating Business Units across the site through equipment displays and training, marketing for ALARA applications available through other organizations, support of waste minimization efforts, and administrative services such as the management of radiological performance indicators and communication of lessons learned.

Equipment/Process Demonstrations
A team of professionals is responsible for keeping abreast of new equipment, technologies and techniques to support radiological work with cost effective solutions. There are a variety of new and innovative items on display to allow visitors to operate and potential borrow for field use. Equipment and materials on display include containments such as glove bags, containment huts, and windbreaks that are manufactured in the containment fabrication facility part of the ROSC. Their mission is to streamline the fabrication, use and reuse of specialized containment devices and fabricated materials. The personnel assist with planning and scheduling, in field design walk downs and field preparation.

An inventory of tools is maintained for demonstration purposes. These tools include HEPA filtered vacuum cleaners, communication equipment, shrouded vacuum tools for grinding or cutting, and extended hand tools. Specialized material is available such as coatings for decontamination or fixing contamination, and expandable foam for D&D of pipe.

Administrative Support Functions
Also, administrative support functions are appropriately managed through the ROSC. These include the management of ALARA performance indicators and goals. In addition, the ROSC stays abreast of site and industry lessons learned.

Work Planning Support
Each of the operating Business Units concerned with radioactive material performs some level of radiological work planning. The ROSC provides a central point of contact for work planners, radiological engineers, and ALARA Coordinators from these Business Units. Support can be provided by the ROSC through the demonstration and training on equipment and materials, communication of lessons learned, identification of resources available to assist with job planning, and assistance on waste minimization strategies.

By improving the communication of lessons learned and awareness of available resources, radiological work planning will become more effective and efficient. The result is that radiation exposures are reduced and worker safety is improved while overall costs are reduced. In addition, the site’s ability to demonstrate compliance with federal requirements to maintain exposures ALARA are improved, and the risk of civil penalties is reduced.

Recommended Actions:

Project Lessons Learned Coordinators at SRS should distribute this Best Practice as necessary to ensure that Project Area personnel are aware of the ROSC capabilities.

Please inform your Project Lessons Learned Coordinator if this Best Practice is incorporated into SRS work processes/procedures or otherwise used for performance improvement.


Westinghouse Savannah River Company


Rod Hutto


WSRC ROSC - Robbie Bates (803)725-3935, Lee Smith (803)725-3934, Athena Freeman (803)725-5

Name Of Authorized Derivative Classifier:

Robert Steitler

Name Of Reviewing Official:


Priority Descriptor:

Green / Good Work Practice


ALARA, Personal Protective


Facility Evaluation Board (FEB) Noteworrthy Practice 2003-3

Information in this report is accurate to the best of our knowledge. As means of measuring the effectiveness of this report please use the "Comment" link at the bottom of this page to notify the Lessons Learned Web Site Administrator of any action taken as a result of this report or of any technical inaccuracies you find. Your feedback is important and appreciated.

DOE Function / Work Categories:

Radiation Protection

ISM Category:

Develop / Implement Controls


Personal Injury / Exposure - Radiation / Contamination

End of Lesson!

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