Lessons Learned Database


Dedicated Personnel/Multiple Entries allowed consistency on the Project





Lesson Learned Statement:

Keeping personnel consistent through the entirety of an evolution, can reduce the amount of pre-job briefings having to be held and can make the completion of the operation much easier to accomplish.


The project entailed the decontamination of the Acid Recovery Pump Room (ARPR) in its entirety. Decontamination efforts encompassed the removal of all loose debris from the ARPR and vacuuming the ARPR floor. Permanent utilities to the ARPR had to be isolated. The process lines within the ARPR were drained of liquids as necessary and subsequently isolated to ensure against inadvertent intrusion of additional liquids. The tank, pumps, electrical and instrumentation components, process and utility piping, HEPA filters, and miscellaneous debris were size reduced as necessary and removed from the ARPR. The final state of the ARPR is that the walls, ceiling, and floor are free of any components or equipment.


At the onset of the ARPR Project, dedicated operations personnel were assigned. The personnel from D&D Operations, Radiation Control Operations and Industrial Health & Safety were consistent throughout the Project. This allowed multiple daily entries during the project. The number of pre-job briefings required was greatly reduced and replaced with a daily job briefing held each day at 0700 hours to discuss the daily work activities. The consistency of personnel throughout the Project allowed work activities of a difficult Project to progress much smoother than would have been possible with constantly changing personnel.

Recommended Actions:



West Valley Nuclear Services, W.F.Scott, II at (716) 942-4642




W.F.Scott, II at (716) 942-4642

Name Of Authorized Derivative Classifier:


Name Of Reviewing Official:


Priority Descriptor:

Green / Good Work Practice


Project personnel; stable staffing; consistency



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DOE Function / Work Categories:

Human Resources

ISM Category:

Feedback and Improvement



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