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Legal & Enforcement Resources

Report an Environmental Violation
If you have information regarding a potential violation of federal environmental law, use this form to submit an enforcement complaint. We will act immediately upon the information you submit.

Enforcement Action Summaries
Comprehensive summaries of enforcement actions carried out by the Region 5 Office of Regional Counsel, dating back to 1998. Search by facility name, state, statute, or date.

Guide for Legal Practitioners
Read about the regulations under which U.S. EPA is authorized to bring enforcement actions.

EPA Enforcement & Compliance History Online (ECHO)
Search for reports on facilities near you in which inspections, violations, or other enforcement actions have been taken.

Environmental Justice
Region 5, Headquarters, and non-EPA information about Environmental Justice.

Special Initiatives
Learn about Region 5's Special Initiatives program and the 17 projects currently underway.

RCRA Cross-State Regulatory Summary
Comprehensive "crosswalk" of regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, providing references for U.S. EPA and state regulations under Parts 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 268, 270, 273, and 279.

Freedom of Information Act
Link to Region 5's FOIA page, which provides directions for submitting a request under FOIA online or by mail.

ORC Expert List
Comprehensive list of legal experts within the Office of Regional Counsel, organized by media and topic.

Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (US EPA Headquarters)
Link to the national enforcement office located in Washington D.C. National guidance, policies, and enforcement data.

Region 5 Enforcement Page
General page providing links to all enforcement information in the Region, whether or not it's located on the Office of Regional Counsel's Web site.

State Specific Links

Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance | Office of Regional Counsel | Region 5 Enforcement and Compliance
EPA Compliance and Enforcement

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