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Graphic of DocumentLCA Resources

The following provides a list of publications, books, standards and web-sites that contain additional information on both managing and conducting an LCA. While this list is not comprehensive, it serves as a starting point for researching LCA.

If you would like to add a new LCA resource to the list, please send an e-mail to curran.maryann@epa.gov.

Disclaimer: Links to non-EPA sites and comments provided in the descriptions do not imply any official EPA endorsement. Furthermore, EPA does not accept any responsibility for the opinions, ideas, data or products presented at those locations, or guarantee the validity of the information provided. EPA does not guarantee the suitability of the information for any specific purpose. Links to non-EPA servers are provided solely as a pointer to information on topics related to life cycle assessment that may be useful to EPA staff and the public.

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EPA Documents

EPA documents can be obtained through the following:

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LCA Related Web-Sites

EPA Sites

Design for the Environment - The Design for the Environment (DfE) program is one of EPA's premier partnership programs, working with individual industry sectors to compare and improve the performance and human health and environmental risks and costs of existing and alternative products, processes, and practices. DfE partnership projects promote integrating cleaner, cheaper, and smarter solutions into everyday business practices.

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Case Studies

EPA Case Studies

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Books and Reports Exit Disclaimer

SETAC documents can be obtained through the following:

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
1010 North 12th Avenue
Pensacola, FL 32501-3367 U.S.A.

T 850-469-1500
F 850-469-9778

E-mail: setac@setac.org

http://www.setac.org/node/32 Exit Disclaimer

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ISO Standards Exit Disclaimer

ISO Standards can be obtained through the following:


ISO 14000 - This site provides background information on ISO 14000, pdf brochures, and ordering information for ISO publications and standards.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) / Technical Committee 207 on Environmental Management - This site provides information on ISO TC 207 and its subcommittees, ISO 14000, and news and articles related to LCA.

The ISO 14000 Information Center - Current events, news articles, and resources, however this site mostly focuses on ISO 14001.

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Canadian LCA Standards

The Canadian standards can be ordered from:

Standards Sales
Canadian Standards Association
178 Rexdale Blvd
Rexdale (Toronto), Ontario
Canada M9W 1R3

T 416-747-4044
F 416-747-2475

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Software and Databases Exit Disclaimer

The list of software tools and databases below does not indicate any form of endorsement. See disclaimer at the top of this page.

EPA Software: Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and other Environmental Impacts (TRACI) - by United States Environmental Protection Agency. TRACI allows the examination of the potential for impacts associated with the raw material usage and chemical releases resulting from the processes involved in producing a product. The complete software and user's guide can be downloaded from the web link provided.

The Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe (APME) - APME publishes annual data on the consumption and recovery of plastics used in the main application sector of packaging, building and construction, automotive and electric and electronic.

The Environmental Impact Estimator - by the ATHENA™ Sustainable Materials Institute. Architects, engineers and researchers can get life cycle assessment (LCA) answers about conceptual designs of new buildings or renovations to existing buildings from this tool. The Estimator lets you assess the environmental implications of industrial, institutional, office, and both multi-unit and single family residential designs. Where relevant, it also distinguishes between owner-occupied and rental facilities. The Estimator puts the environment on an equal footing with other more traditional design criteria at the conceptual design stage of a building project. The Estimator incorporates the Institute's life cycle inventory databases, covering more than 90 structural and envelope materials. It simulates over 1,000 different assembly combinations.

BEES 3.0 - by National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) Building and Fire Research Laboratory. The BEES (Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability) software can be used for balancing the environmental and economic performance of building products. Version 3.0 of the Windows™-based decision support software, aimed at designers, builders, and product manufacturers, includes actual environmental and economic performance data for 65 building products. BEES 3.0 can be downloaded from the web site link provided above.

The Boustead Model 5.0 - by Boustead Consulting. The Boustead Model is an extensive database, in which data such as fuels and energy use, raw materials requirements, solid, liquid and gaseous emissions are stored. It also includes software which enables the user to manipulate data in the database and to select a suitable data presentation method from a host of options.

CMLCA - by Centre of Environmental Science (CML) - Leiden University. Chain Management by Life Cycle Assessment (CMLCA) is a software tool that is intended to support the technical steps of the LCA procedure. The program can be downloaded from the web site link provided above.

Eco-Indicator 99 - by PRé Consultants. Eco-Indicator 99 is a "damage oriented" impact assessment method with clearly detailed steps such as fate, exposure, effect and damage analysis. A report containing a complete description of the methodology, as well an overview of all damage (characterization) factors can be downloaded from the web site link provided above.

The ecoinvent Centre - The Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories central database of LCI data and life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods data.

ECO-it 1.3 - by PRé Consultants. ECO-it comes with over 200 eco-indicator 99 scores for commonly used materials such as metals, plastics, paper, board and glass, as well as production, transport, energy and waste treatment processes. It calculates the environmental load of a product and shows which parts of the product contribute most. A demo version can be downloaded from the web site link provided above.

EcoScan 3.0 - by TNO Industrial Technology. Ecoscan 3.0 analyzes the environmental impact and cost of products. The software tool can be used by managers and engineers who implement EcoDesign in real life product development.

Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment - by Green Design Initiative of Carnegie Mellon. This web site allows you to estimate the overall environmental impacts from producing a certain dollar amount of any of 500 commodities or services in the United States. It will provide rough guidance on the relative impacts of different types of products, materials, services, or industries with respect to resource use and emissions throughout the U.S.

EDIP PC-tool (http://www.mst.dk/activi/08030000.htm) - by Danish EPA. The EDIP PC tool is a user friendly Windows application and database that supports the LCA process carried out according to the EDIP method. To carry out an LCA, detailed information on all the processes and materials included in the life cycle of the product is needed. Therefore, the tool has been equipped with a relational database, close in structure to the internationally recognized SPOLD format.

The Environmental Impact Estimator - by the ATHENA™ Sustainable Materials Institute. Architects, engineers and researchers can get life cycle assessment (LCA) answers about conceptual designs of new buildings or renovations to existing buildings from this tool. The Estimator lets you assess the environmental implications of industrial, institutional, office, and both multi-unit and single family residential designs. Where relevant, it also distinguishes between owner-occupied and rental facilities. The Estimator puts the environment on an equal footing with other more traditional design criteria at the conceptual design stage of a building project. The Estimator incorporates the Institute's life cycle inventory databases, covering more than 90 structural and envelope materials. It simulates over 1,000 different assembly combinations.

EPS 2000 Design System - by Assess Ecostrategy Scandinavia AB. EPS (Environmental Priority Strategies) is a life cycle impact assessment software for sustainable product development. A demo version can be ordered from the web site link provided above.

GaBi 4 Software System and Databases - by PE Europe GmbH and IKP University of Stuttgart. Different versions are available from educational to professional use of Life Cycle Analysis to evaluate life cycle environmental, cost and social profiles of products, processes and technologies. It contains comprehensive GaBi databases with worldwide coverage as well as Ecoinvent data. A demo version is available for download.

GEMIS (Global Emission Model for Integrated Systems) - by Öko-Institut. GEMIS is a life cycle analysis program and database for energy, material, and transport systems. The GEMIS database offers information on fossil fuels, renewables, processes for electricity and heat, raw materials, and transports. The GEMIS database can be downloaded for free from the web site link provided above.

GREET Model- The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Transportation Technologies fuel-cycle model called GREET (Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation). It allows researchers to evaluate various engine and fuel combinations on a consistent fuel-cycle basis.

IDEMAT 2005 - by Delft University of Technology. IDEMAT is a tool for material selections in the design process. It provides a database with technical information about materials, processes and components and allows the user to compare information. A demo version can be downloaded from the web site link provided above.

IVAM LCA Data 4.0 - by IVAM. The IVAM Environmental Research database is a database to be used for environmental life cycle assessment (LCA). It consists of about 1000 processes, leading to more than 300 materials. The data can be used for LCA applications in various sectors.

KCL-ECO 4.0 - by KCL. KCL-ECO can be used to apply LCA to complicated systems with many modules and flows. It includes allocation, impact assessment (characterization, normalization and weighting), and graphing features. A demo version can be downloaded from the web site link provided above.

LCAiT 4 - by CIT Ekologik. Since 1992, LCAit has been used for the environmental assessment of products and processes. It includes an impact assessment database, including characterization factors and weighting factors.

LCAPIX - by KM Limited. The LCAPIX software combines LCA and Activity Based Costing (ABC) to help businesses assure environmental compliance while assuring sustained profitability. It allows for a quantitative measurement which can indicate the potential burden of any product. A demo version can be downloaded from the web site link provided above.

Life-Cycle Inventory Database - by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The LCI Database is publicly available and contains data modules for commonly used materials and processes, such as primary fuel production and combustion, electricity generation and transformation processes.

MIET 3.0 - Missing Inventory Estimation Tool - by Centre of Environmental Science (CML). MIET is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that enables LCA practitioners to estimate Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) of missing flows that were truncated. MIET is based on the most up-to-date U.S. input-output table and environmental data. MIET covers about 1,200 different environmental interventions including air, water, industrial and agricultural soil emissions and resource use by various industrial sectors. MIET can be downloaded for free from the web site link provided above after filling out a short questionnaire.

REGIS - by Sinum. Software tool for corporate ecobalances and the improvement of corporate environmental performance according to ISO14031. A demo version can be downloaded from the web site link provided above.

SimaPro 7 - by PRé Consultants. SimaPro is a professional LCA software tool that contains several impact assessment methods and several inventory databases, which can be edited and expanded without limitation. It can compare and analyze complex products with complex life cycles. A demo version can be downloaded from the web site link provided above.

SPINE@CPM - by CPM - Competence Centre for Environmental Assessment of Product and Material Systems at Chalmers University of Technology. This database contains detailed information on all types of freight transports, energyware production, production of selected materials and waste management alternatives. The database can be accessed from the web site link provided above.

SPOLD Data Exchange Software - by The Society for Promotion of Life-cycle Assessment. This software is used to create, edit, import and export data in the SPOLD '99 format. It can be downloaded from the web site link provided above.

TEAM™ - by Pricewaterhouse Coopers Ecobilan Group. TEAM™ is a professional tool for evaluating the life cycle environmental and cost profiles of products and technologies. It contains comprehensive database of over 600 modules with worldwide coverage. An online demo is available from the web site link provided above.

Umberto - by Institute for Environmental Informatics, Hamburg. Umberto serves to visualize material and energy flow systems. Data are taken from external information systems or are newly modeled and calculated.

WISARD™ - by Pricewaterhourse Coopers Ecobilan Group. WISARD (Waste - Integrated Systems Assessment for Recovery and Disposal) is a LCA software tool to help inform decision making and evaluate policy options concerning the disposal of household waste.

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