Additional Features

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MLS/Aura Level 2 Ozone Data Product - ML2O3 v001

Data Access

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"Microwave Limb Sounder Logo"

Data Version and Data Holdings

Version Begin Date End Date
1.51 Aug. 8, 2004

Feb. 15, 2006

1.52 Feb. 16, 2006 Feb. 28, 2007

Production Frequency: 1 file per day
Granule Coverage: near-global (-82° to +82°)
Granule Size:: ~3.3 MB
Format:: HDF-EOS5 (Swath)

EOS-Aura      Instrument: MLS

MLS Level 2 Ozone

Data Set Short Name
: ML2O3

Data Set Long Name: MLS/Aura L2 Ozone (O3) Mixing Ratio

MLS Data Documents
Short Data Guide from GES DISC

Level 2 Data Quality and Description Document
MLS Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents

Other Related Documents:
Global Change Master Directory DIF Document

Other Links :
EOS-Aura MLS Page
MLS Home Page (JPL-NASA)
Aura Validation Data Center (AVDC)


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  • Last updated: May 12, 2009 17:32:36 GMT