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Lunar Recon Orbiter
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission to Moon
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter:
Goals: NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter orbit will make a high-resolution map of the composition of the lunar surface and seek out potential sources of water-ice that may exist in the bottom of dark polar craters. If found, water ice could be a used by astronauts to make fuel, air and perhaps grow food on the Moon.

Read More About Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

Visit the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Website

Key Dates Headlines
18 Jun 2009: 
In Flight
Fast Facts Links
Lunar Recon Orbiter Facts The mission is a key step in NASA's plan to send astronauts back to the Moon.

The LRO Camera will retrieve high-resolution 1 meter per pixel (3.3 feet) images of the Moon's entire surface.

Other instruments aboard LRO will create a high-resolution 3-D map of the entire Moon's surface.
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