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HEASARC: Calibration Database

Latest CALDB Files for Supported Missions

The table below lists the Missions/Instruments which use the CALDB to distribute calibration information. It includes information about the current valid data files, along with download links. See the CALDB installation page for help installing CALDB data from the HEASARC.

Individual data files and tar file packages are accessible .

To access CALDB data using the caltools software, you need to have the current caldb.config file in your $CALDB/software/tools directory.

Supported Missions/Instruments

Responsible Organization: HEASARC

Mission Instrument Current      
Generic (GEN)          
  INS (any instrument) July 16, 2008 ascii list tar file(47 kB) Index file summary
  SIS July 11, 2006 ascii list tar file(97 MB) Index file summary
  GIS Nov 11, 1999 ascii list tar file(148 MB) Index file summary
  XRT Nov 11, 1999ascii list tar file(3.4 MB) Index file summary
  MIS Jan 14, 1994ascii list tar file(26 KB) Index file summary
  HPGSPC 1999     Index File Summary
  LECS 1999     Index File Summary
  MECS 1999     Index File Summary
  PDS 1999     Index File Summary
  WFC 1999     Index File Summary
  HRI Jan 5, 2000 ascii list Tar File(0.5 MB) Index File Summary
  PSPC Jan 5, 2000 ascii list Tar File(68.5 MB) Index File Summary
  XRT Jan 5, 2000 ascii list Tar File (0.1 MB) Index File Summary
  PCA July 01, 2008 ascii list Tar File (3.2 MB) Index File Summary
  HEXTE Sep 22, 2006 ascii list Tar File(19 MB) Index File Summary
  HXD August 11, 2008 ascii list tar file (342 MB) Index file summary
  XIS September 5, 2008 ascii list tar file (1.5 GB) Index file summary
  XRS April 10, 2006 ascii list tar file (158 MB) Index file summary
  XRT July 9, 2008 ascii list tar file (172 MB) Index file summary
  BAT March 06, 2008 ascii list tar file (8.2 MB) Index file summary
  SC August 25, 2008 ascii list tar file (186 KB) Index file summary
  UVOTA April 28, 2008 ascii list tar file (76 MB) Index file summary
  XRT May 09, 2008 ascii list tar file (67 MB) Index file summary

Other Supported Missions/Instruments

The Chandra X-ray Observatory

Responsible Organization: CXC

Current Version: 3.5
Date of Update at the HEASARC: September 10, 2008

Mission Instrument Current      
Chandra README_caldb3.5.0.txt        
  ACIS Version 3.5 Release Notes Download Page Index File Summary
  EPHIN Version 3.5 Release Notes Download Page Index File Summary
  HRC Version 3.5 Release Notes Download Page Index File Summary
  PCAD Version 3.5 Release Notes Download Page Index File Summary
  SIM Version 3.5 Release Notes Download Page Index File Summary
  TEL Version 3.5 Release Notes Download Page Index File Summary

Other Mission-Specific Calibration Information

Questions/Problems should be e-mailed to

Page author: Michael F. Corcoran
Last updated: Wednesday, 10-Sep-2008 11:24:24 EDT.
HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public

Last modified: Wednesday, 10-Sep-2008 11:24:24 EDT