Planetary Photogrammetry Guest Facility at the USGS in Flagstaff, Arizona

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NASA and the US Geological Survey announce that they have jointly established a Planetary Photogrammetry Guest Facility at the USGS in Flagstaff, Arizona. This is a specialized computer workstation of the same type used by the USGS for stereo topographic mapping of the Moon and planets that will be available up to 50% of the time for qualified researchers to use to make products ranging from simple spot height measurements to fully edited digital topographic models (DTMs) from a wide variety of stereo images. USGS staff will provide training and supervision, but travel expenses are the responsibility of the selected investigator. To apply, send a short (1 page) informal application to Randolph Kirk. The two key pieces of information required are the research goals (to allow us to evaluate whether images to achieve these goals are available) and the researcher's schedule of availability for group training and subsequent use of the facility. We ask that applications for the current fiscal year be transmitted by 31 May 2009.

Applications received after that date will be considered for FY 2010. For more information about the capabilities of the stereo workstation and the application process, see the 2009 LPSC abstract PDF Icon