Deb Bowman,

Digital Television Information

LTC Partnership Program

  • DSS offers a wide variety of career opportunities; including Child Support Specialists, Economic Assistance Benefits Specialists, Family Services Specialists and more. Find out how you can join our team today.

Our Mission

To strengthen and support individuals and families by fostering independence and personal responsibility; protecting people; providing opportunities for individuals to achieve their full potential; and promoting healthy families and safe communities by ensuring quality, cost-effective and comprehensive services are provided in cooperation with our partners.

Our Guiding Principles

  • We believe families have the right to be safe and secure.
  • We believe in providing opportunities and choices that support the needs of families through available and accessible services.DSS
  • We believe in collaborative communications, teamwork, partnerships and trust for essential family services.
  • We believe in respecting individual and cultural differences by treating people with dignity, fairness and respect.
  • We believe in focusing on results, quality and continuous improvement, and on using state-of-the-art technology to be more efficient and effective.
  • We believe in professional and well-trained staff who are competent, accountable and empowered.
  • We believe in providing quality, timely customer service through the “no wrong door” approach.

Our Goals

  • Increase access to quality services for our customers.
  • Reduce abuse, neglect and exploitation of vulnerable people.
  • Improve internal and external customer service.
  • Strengthen the processes important to achieving our vision.


New: Earned Income Tax Credit Information and Resources

The Earned Income Tax Credit is a refundable federal income tax credit for low-income working individuals and families. The EITC has no effect on certain benefits. In most cases, EITC payments will not be used to determine eligibility for Medicaid, SSI, food stamps or TANF benefits. To see if you qualify or for more information on EITC, visit the following links: