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Red Flag Claim 2

Eat what you want!
The more you eat, the more you lose and we’ll show you how.

Reality Check

It is impossible to eat unlimited amounts of food – any kind of food – and still lose weight. Any claim to that effect in an ad or commercial is false. Some products may help curb appetite or cravings. For these products, its okay to say people can eat what they want so long as it is clear from the ad or commercial that people will not want to eat as much food as before they started using the product.


  • “This breakthrough ingredient has patients losing one full pound every 12 hours, two pounds or more each day, and all without counting calories, without missing a single meal and without giving up those delicious, mouthwatering foods they love the most.”

  • “My ‘formula for living’ lets you eat: hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, steak, ice cream, sausage, bacon, eggs and cheeses! And STILL LOSE WEIGHT!”

  • “Eat all the foods you love, and still lose weight (pill does all the work).”

  • “I lost nine pounds during my first week eating just as I always do — going to parties, even eating gobs of vacation goodies, including my favorite food: ice cream. Four weeks later, I’ve lost another 27 pounds.”

  • “Eat any mouthwatering food you want, and still blast away dress sizes and belt notches lightning fast.”

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