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SeaDAS User Contributed Software

The following software was contributed by SeaDAS users and includes both stand-alone utilities, and programs that interact with SeaDAS. If you have written software that might be useful to the user community please contact us.

NOTE:  We make no guarantee that any of this software will work as expected.  Use at your own risk!

SeaBatch SeaBatch is a group of Unix shell scripts that utilize SeaDAS to batch process ocean color data. Notable functions include MODIS high-resolution processing, Level-1 to Level-2 processing, spatial and temporal binning of Level-2 files, and output of Level-3 products as ascii, flat, hdf, png, etc. SeaBatch is actively being developed by Mike Brown of Cornell University and Jon Grant of Dalhousie University.

Ocean Color
IDL Library

This is a collection of IDL routines written and used by the Ocean Biology Processing Group for working with ocean data. The library contains a large number of routines that are very wide ranging in their application.

Curator: OceanColor Webmaster

Authorized by: gene carl feldman
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Updated: Tuesday, 10-Mar-2009 21:03:35 EDT
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