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SeaDAS 5.3 Configuration and Requirements

SeaDAS 5.3 is currently available for PC Linux (Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu), Mac OS X (Intel and PowerPC), and also runs as a Vmware virtual appliance on Windows XP and Vista platforms. The SeaDAS source code is publicly available, and if any group is interested in porting SeaDAS to another platform, the development team will be happy to give any kind of assistance possible.

The Interactive Data Language (IDL) from ITT Visual Information Solutions (formerly RSI) is used to create all the GUI and display-related programs in SeaDAS. Purchasing an IDL license is no longer required in order to run SeaDAS. Instead, users may choose to use "runtime" SeaDAS, which makes use of an IDL embedded license that is provided with the SeaDAS package. SeaDAS also includes prebuilt Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) libraries developed primarily at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). These are required when building certain SeaDAS programs. Vendor C and FORTRAN compilers may be required if you want to modify the source code and rebuild the executables.

Suggested Hardware Requirements:
Platforms: PC Linux
Intel and PowerPC Mac OS X
Windows XP and Vista via the virtual appliance
Memory: 256MB minimum, 1GB+ suggested
Disk: SeaDAS software package (display only version):  ~140MB
SeaDAS software package (with processing capabilities):  ~1.1GB
Files required for runtime SeaDAS capability:  ~550MB
Optional DEM maps for processing over land and lakes :   ~700MB
Optional DEM maps for MODIS geolocation terrain correction:   ~600MB
10GB of free space is also suggested for rudimentary data processing and storage.
Display: 15" Console or X-terminal with 20MB memory
1280x1024 resolution
8-bit or 24-bit X display plane depth
256 colors display minimum

Software Requirements:
Operating Systems: PC Linux: Ubuntu 7.1, Fedora Core 6, Fedora Core 4, CentOS 4.4
Mac: OS X 10.5 and 10.4 (Intel and PowerPC)
Windows: XP and Vista via the virtual appliance
Optional Software: IDL 7.0, 6.4
Optional Compilers: PC Linux: gcc;  Intel Fortran Compiler
Mac OS X 10.4/10.5 (Intel): gcc 4;  Intel Fortran Compiler
Mac OS X 10.4/10.5 (PowerPC): gcc 4;  IBM XL Fortran

Compile-from-scratch Support:
PC Linux: Ubuntu 7.1, Fedora Core 6, Fedora Core 4, CentOS 4.4
Mac: OS X 10.5 and 10.4 (Intel and PowerPC)

Curator: OceanColor Webmaster

Authorized by: gene carl feldman
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Updated: Monday, 09-Mar-2009 19:03:21 EDT
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