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SeaDAS Primary Functionalities

Processing programs:
  • L1A, L1B, L2, L3, and SMI (Standard Mapped Image) processing
  • Map projection of L1, L2, and L3 files
  • L1 and L2 Browse product generation
  • L1A to L0 program for renavigation
  • Interactive L1 coastline registration and L2 QC
  • L1 subscene extraction
  • MODIS:
  • L0 to L1A Direct Broadcast processing
  • L1A Geolocation processing
  • L1A subscene extraction
  • L1A to L1B processing
  • L1B to L2 processing
  • L2 and L3 binning
  • SMI processing
  • Map projection of L2 and L3 files
  • CZCS:
  • L1A to L1B processing
  • L1 to L2 processing
  • L2 and L3 binning
  • SMI processing
  • OCTS:
  • L1A to L1B processing
  • L1B to L2 processing
  • L2 and L3 binning
  • SMI processing

  • General display program supports:
    Input Data formats:
  • All SeaWiFS data products (L0 to L3-mapped products)
  • MODIS Ocean products (L1A, L1B, L2, L2A, L2B, L2 SST, L3, L4)
  • OCTS L0, L1B, L2 products, L3-Binned Mapped  (NASDA format)
  • OCTS L1B and L2 products (SeaDAS format)
  • CZCS (Ocean Color format)
  • MERIS L2 Reduced Resolution (1.2km) Geophysical Product files in the Envisat N1 format
  • AVHRR Version 5 data with standard NASA and NOAA SDS attribute names
  • AVHRR V4 SST/JPL PO.DAAC HDF Pathfinder Best SST (9km, 18km, 54km)
  • SeaDAS Mapped HDF files
  • Navigated HDF (any 2D SDS in an HDF file plus a lat SDS and lon SDS)
  • General HDF (any 2D SDS in an HDF file)
  • Binary flat files
  • PNG and True Color
  • Sensor-specific functions:
  • Display Level-2 flags for SeaWiFS L2 products
  • Display Level-2 flags for MODIS L2 products
  • Display Level-2 flags for OCTS L2 products
  • Navigation Functions for all
    navigable data input formats:
  • Map projection (all IDL projections supported)
  • Grid and Coastline graphics
  • Cursor location and data displaying
  • Ship track plot and data extraction, interactive data line extraction
  • Globe spinning
  • General Functions for all
    data input formats:
  • User-controlled display scaling
  • Multiple frame buffers for image display
  • Interactive annotation generation
  • Histogram and color bar
  • Color manipulation, multiple concurrent color tables, density slicing
  • Cursor location and data displaying
  • Image data spreadsheet for raw and/or geophysical values
  • Image looping/movie
  • Scatter plot/contour plot/profile plot
  • Data display across multiple bands
  • Bathymetry generation
  • Arithmetic band functions
  • X-Y shifting
  • User-defined band operations
  • Postscript, PNG output image formats.
  • ASCII, HDF, and binary flat file output data formats.

  • Curator: OceanColor Webmaster

    Authorized by: gene carl feldman
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    Updated: Thursday, 11-Dec-2008 10:52:37 EST
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