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FTP Page for Ocean Color Products

The tables below provide direct ftp access to data products organized by satellite

(Level 1, Level 2 and Geolocation files are only for the most recent 30 days)

A complete description of the FTP site structure can be found in the README file at the top level of the site (ftp://oceans.gsfc.nasa.gov)


(Ocean Color, Sea Surface Temperature and Evaluation Products)

Binned Mapped Level 1, GEO, &
Level 2
Level 3 Binned Standard Product Suite Level 3 Mapped Standard Product Suite Quicklook - Daytime granules
Quicklook - Night/Mixed granules
Binned Daily Mapped Daily Refined - Daytime granules
Refined - Night/Mixed granules
Binned Daily / 3Day Quicklook Mapped Daily / 3Day Quicklook
Binned 8Day Mapped 8Day
Binned Monthly Mapped Monthly
Binned Monthly Climatology Mapped Monthly Climatology
Binned Seasonal Mapped Seasonal
Binned Seasonal Climatology Mapped Seasonal Climatology
Binned Annual Mapped Annual
Mapped Rolling 32-day
Mapped Filled Rolling 32-day


(Sea Surface Temperature)

Binned Mapped Level 1, GEO, &
Level 2
Level 3 Binned Standard Product Suite Level 3 Mapped Standard Product Suite Quicklook - Daytime granules
Quicklook - Night/Mixed granules
Binned Daily Mapped Daily Refined - Daytime granules
Refined - Night/Mixed granules
Binned 8Day Mapped 8Day
Binned Monthly Mapped Monthly
Binned Monthly Climatology Mapped Monthly Climatology
Binned Seasonal Mapped Seasonal
Binned Seasonal Climatology Mapped Seasonal Climatology
Binned Annual Mapped Annual

SeaWiFS Level 3

Binned Mapped
Level 3 Binned Standard Product Suite and PAR Level 3 Mapped Standard Product Suite and PAR
Binned Daily Mapped Daily
Binned 8 Day Mapped 8 Day
Binned Monthly Mapped Monthly
Binned Monthly Climatology Mapped Monthly Climatology
Binned Seasonal Mapped Seasonal
Binned Annual Mapped Annual
Mapped Rolling 32-day
Filled Mapped Rolling 32-day

CZCS Level 3

Binned Mapped
Binned Daily Mapped Daily
Binned 8 Day Mapped 8 Day
Binned Monthly Mapped Monthly
Binned Monthly Climatology Mapped Monthly Climatology
Binned Seasonal Mapped Seasonal
Binned Annual Mapped Annual

OCTS Level 3

Binned Mapped
Binned Daily Mapped Daily
Binned 8 Day Mapped 8 Day
Binned Monthly Mapped Monthly
Binned Monthly Climatology Mapped Monthly Climatology
Binned Seasonal Mapped Seasonal
Binned Annual Mapped Annual

Merged Aqua/SeaWiFS

A merged Aqua/SeaWiFS chlorophyll product is available as a 9km resolution SMI. The SMI is stored as 16bit integer vs. the 8bit for the standard SMI files

Ancillary Products

METOZ : NCEP Meteorological (MET) and TOMS/TOAST Ozone (OZ) ancillary data used for L1-L2 processing (updated every 4 hours)
OISST : NOAA Optimum Interpolation (OI) Sea Surface Temperature.These files are used as input for the L1-L2 SST processing
MODISA/ATTEPH: MODIS Aqua definitive attitude and ephemeris data
MODISA/CAL: Updated MODIS Aqua Level 1B LUTs (Look-up tables) and Geolocation files
MODIST/CAL: Updated MODIS Terra Level 1B LUTs and Geolocation files
utcpole.dat: Most recent version of the Earth motion file used in Level 1 processing.
leapsec.dat: Most recent version of the Leap seconds file - required for accurate time conversions in Level 1 processing.
SeaWiFS GPS elements (elements.dat)
Global 1 Kilometer Land Mask (landmask.dat) Documentation

Browse Imagery Pages :

Level 2 Browse Page: Visually search the ocean color data archive and directly download and/or order data from single files to the entire mission
Level 3 Browse Page : Browse the entire Level 3 global ocean color data set and download either PNG images or digital data in HDF format
Data Subscriptions: Request a subscription for Aqua data to be staged on an FTP site

Curator: OceanColor Webmaster

Authorized by: gene carl feldman

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Updated: Friday, 19-Jun-2009 11:44:46 EDT