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DOE Manual 231.1-1A FAQ

This document contains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and interpretations of the new Manual 231.1-1A.  Readers are encouraged to submit any additional questions or concerns to the REMS Project Manager for inclusion in future FAQ postings.

  • DOE Manual 231.1-1A FAQ Sheet - 6/18/04
    Frequently asked questions and interpretation of the new Manual 231.1-1A:
    • When will compliance be required?
    • How/when will contracts be modified to require M231.1-1A?
    • Are DOE employees no longer "special individuals"?
    • Do we need to calculate CEDE per radionuclide?
  • DOE Manual 231.1-1A FAQ Sheet - 1/20/06
    Additional questions on the new Manual 231.1-1A:
    • Table G-1, item 35, should we use 2 spaces or 3?
    • How do we assign a Facility Code?
    • Three data files, what names to use?
    • How to handle blank fields, like fetal dose.
    • Measured Value (MV) vs. Not Detectable (ND)?
    • How do you determine the number of measurements for the Bioassay Summary File?
    • Calculated Value (CV) vs. Preliminary Value (PV)?

    This page was last updated on March 02, 2009
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