Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Railway Network (Node) - Data Dictionary

Abstract: The Rail Network is a comprehensive database of the nation's railway system at the 1:100,000 scale. The data set covers all 50 States plus the District of Columbia.

Purpose: The data set provides location and partial attribute information for use in national and regional network analysis applications.
Supplemental_Information: At the time of publishing the CD significant updates to the layer were underway. Please check http://gis.fra.dot.gov for the latest version of the dataset.

Field Number Attribute Description Data Type
0 FID Internal feature number. Long Integer representing an object identifier
1 Shape Feature geometry. Geometry
2 FRANODEID Unique Node ID Double Precision Floating Point
3 STATEAB State railroad abbreviation which follows the Postal abbreviation Character String
4 STCNTYFIPS Attribute_Definition: Character String
5 FRAREGION FRA Regional Boundaries Double Precision Floating Point
6 BORDER Indicates if the node is located on a polygon boundary Character String
7 ONMAINNET Indicates of the node is located on the main sub network Double Precision Floating Point
8 NAME The station name, which was appended from the 2M network Character String
9 VERSION The VERSION is a 2-digit number that will be incremented for all records in the database whenever a new release is distributed. Character String
10 STFIPS State FIPS Character String

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