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STEREO Reveals the Anatomy of a Solar Storm in 3-D

Observations from NASA's twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft allowed scientists, for the first time, to reveal the true size and shape of solar explosions known as coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, in three dimensions.

Conceptual animation and data visualization depicting the STEREO-A spacecraft viewing a coronal mass ejection leaving the sun between December 12-13, 2008.The frames labeled Shot1NL, as well as the mpeg-1 and mpeg-2 files, have no labels.    Conceptual animation and data visualization depicting the STEREO-A spacecraft viewing a coronal mass ejection leaving the sun between December 12-13, 2008.

The frames labeled Shot1NL, as well as the mpeg-1 and mpeg-2 files, have no labels.

Available formats:
  1280x720 (60 fps) Frames (Shot1)
  320x180     PNG           282 KB
  160x80       PNG           62 KB
  80x40         PNG           15 KB
  1280x720 (60 fps) Frames (Shot1NL)
  512x288 (60 fps) MPEG-1   8 MB
  1280x720 (60 fps) MPEG-2   52 MB
  512x288 (60 fps) MPEG-1   8 MB
  1280x720 (60 fps) MPEG-2   52 MB
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Conceptual animation and data visualization depicting the STEREO-A spacecraft viewing a coronal mass ejection leaving the sun between December 12-13, 2008.The frames labeled Shot1NL, as well as the mpeg-1 and mpeg-2 files, have no labels.    Conceptual animation and data visualization depicting the STEREO-A spacecraft viewing a coronal mass ejection leaving the sun between December 12-13, 2008.

The frames labeled Shot1NL, as well as the mpeg-1 and mpeg-2 files, have no labels.

Available formats:
  1280 x 720       TIFF (Shot1) 3 MB
  320 x 180         PNG     282 KB
  160 x 80           PNG       62 KB
  80 x 40             PNG       15 KB
  1280 x 720       TIFF (Shot1NL) 3 MB
  512 x 288         MPEG-1 8 MB
  1280 x 720       MPEG-2 52 MB
  512 x 288         MPEG-1 8 MB
  1280 x 720       MPEG-2 52 MB

Hi-resolution still of STEREO A animation    Hi-resolution still of STEREO A animation

Available formats:
  3000 x 2400     TIFF 19 MB
  320 x 256         PNG     429 KB

Conceptual animation and data visualization depicting the STEREO-B spacecraft viewing a coronal mass ejection leaving the sun between December 12-13, 2008. This is the same CME that was depicted in the previous animation.    Conceptual animation and data visualization depicting the STEREO-B spacecraft viewing a coronal mass ejection leaving the sun between December 12-13, 2008. This is the same CME that was depicted in the previous animation.

Available formats:
  1280x720 (60 fps) Frames (Shot2)
  320x180     PNG           268 KB
  512x288 (60 fps) MPEG-1   4 MB
  1280x720 (60 fps) MPEG-2   26 MB
How to play our movies

Conceptual animation and data visualization depicting the STEREO-B spacecraft viewing a coronal mass ejection leaving the sun between December 12-13, 2008. This is the same CME that was depicted in the previous animation.    Conceptual animation and data visualization depicting the STEREO-B spacecraft viewing a coronal mass ejection leaving the sun between December 12-13, 2008. This is the same CME that was depicted in the previous animation.

Available formats:
  1280 x 720       TIFF (Shot2) 3 MB
  320 x 180         PNG     268 KB
  512 x 288         MPEG-1 4 MB
  1280 x 720       MPEG-2 26 MB

Conceptual animation and data visualization showing how the two views of the coronal mass ejection are used to create a 3-D model of its shape.    Conceptual animation and data visualization showing how the two views of the coronal mass ejection are used to create a 3-D model of its shape.

Available formats:
  1280x720 (60 fps) Frames (WS)
  320x180     PNG           287 KB
  512x288 (60 fps) MPEG-1   7 MB
  1280x720 (60 fps) MPEG-2   50 MB
How to play our movies

Conceptual animation and data visualization showing how the two views of the coronal mass ejection are used to create a 3-D model of its shape.    Conceptual animation and data visualization showing how the two views of the coronal mass ejection are used to create a 3-D model of its shape.

Available formats:
  1280 x 720       TIFF (WS) 3 MB
  320 x 180         PNG     287 KB
  512 x 288         MPEG-1 7 MB
  1280 x 720       MPEG-2 50 MB

Hi-Res still of wideshot animation    Hi-Res still of wideshot animation

Available formats:
  3000 x 2400     TIFF 27 MB
  320 x 256         PNG     408 KB

Conceptual animation and data visualization depicting the shape of the December 12-13, 2008 coronal mass ejection at three points in its propagation.    Conceptual animation and data visualization depicting the shape of the December 12-13, 2008 coronal mass ejection at three points in its propagation.

Available formats:
  1280x720 (60 fps) Frames (Timelapse)
  320x180     PNG           287 KB
  512x288 (60 fps) MPEG-1   3 MB
  1280x720 (60 fps) MPEG-2   20 MB
How to play our movies

Conceptual animation and data visualization depicting the shape of the December 12-13, 2008 coronal mass ejection at three points in its propagation.    Conceptual animation and data visualization depicting the shape of the December 12-13, 2008 coronal mass ejection at three points in its propagation.

Available formats:
  1280 x 720       TIFF (Timelapse) 3 MB
  320 x 180         PNG     287 KB
  512 x 288         MPEG-1 3 MB
  1280 x 720       MPEG-2 20 MB

Image sequence from the COR2 telescopes on STEREO's SECCHI instrument suite showing a coronal mass ejection event on December 12-13, 2008. Data from both spacecraft are shown simultaneously.    Image sequence from the COR2 telescopes on STEREO's SECCHI instrument suite showing a coronal mass ejection event on December 12-13, 2008. Data from both spacecraft are shown simultaneously.
Duration: 11.0 seconds
Available formats:
  4096x2048 TIFF         48 MB
  512x288 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   1 MB
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) QT         85 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) QT         3 MB
  640x360 (29.97 fps) MPEG-4   965 KB
  320x160     PNG           226 KB
  160x80       PNG           56 KB
  80x40         PNG           14 KB
How to play our movies

Image sequence from the COR2 telescopes on STEREO's SECCHI instrument suite showing a coronal mass ejection event on December 12-13, 2008. Data from both spacecraft are shown simultaneously.    Image sequence from the COR2 telescopes on STEREO's SECCHI instrument suite showing a coronal mass ejection event on December 12-13, 2008. Data from both spacecraft are shown simultaneously.

Available formats:
  4096 x 2048     TIFF 48 MB
  512 x 288         MPEG-1 1 MB
  1280 x 720       QUICKTIME 85 MB
  1280 x 720       QUICKTIME 3 MB
  640 x 360         MPEG-4 965 KB
  320 x 160         PNG     226 KB
  160 x 80           PNG       56 KB
  80 x 40             PNG       14 KB

Visualization showing the December 12-13 coronal mass ejection as seen by the COR2 and HI1 telescopes of STEREO-A's SECCHI instrument suite. As the CME moves away from the Sun, it becomes more difficult to see using remote sensing instruments.    Visualization showing the December 12-13 coronal mass ejection as seen by the COR2 and HI1 telescopes of STEREO-A's SECCHI instrument suite. As the CME moves away from the Sun, it becomes more difficult to see using remote sensing instruments.
Duration: 15.0 seconds
Available formats:
  640x360 (29.97 fps) MPEG-4   2 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) QT         8 MB
  512x288 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   2 MB
  320x180     PNG           193 KB
  160x80       PNG           42 KB
  80x40         PNG           11 KB
  1280x720 (30 fps) QT         116 MB
How to play our movies

Visualization showing the December 12-13 coronal mass ejection as seen by the COR2 and HI1 telescopes of STEREO-A's SECCHI instrument suite. As the CME moves away from the Sun, it becomes more difficult to see using remote sensing instruments.    Visualization showing the December 12-13 coronal mass ejection as seen by the COR2 and HI1 telescopes of STEREO-A's SECCHI instrument suite. As the CME moves away from the Sun, it becomes more difficult to see using remote sensing instruments.

Available formats:
  640 x 360         MPEG-4 2 MB
  1280 x 720       QUICKTIME 8 MB
  512 x 288         MPEG-1 2 MB
  320 x 180         PNG     193 KB
  160 x 80           PNG       42 KB
  80 x 40             PNG       11 KB
  1280 x 720       QUICKTIME 116 MB

Interview clips with Dr. Angelos Vourlidas, Project Scientist for STEREO's Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) instrument suite.    Interview clips with Dr. Angelos Vourlidas, Project Scientist for STEREO's Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) instrument suite.
Duration: 3.0 minutes
Available formats:
  512x288 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   27 MB
  1280x720 (59.94 fps) QT         4 GB
  1280x720 (30 fps) QT         113 MB
  640x360 (29.97 fps) MPEG-4   34 MB
  320x180     PNG           192 KB
  160x80       PNG           46 KB
  80x40         PNG           13 KB
How to play our movies

Interview clips with Dr. Angelos Vourlidas, Project Scientist for STEREO's Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) instrument suite.    Interview clips with Dr. Angelos Vourlidas, Project Scientist for STEREO's Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) instrument suite.

Available formats:
  512 x 288         MPEG-1 27 MB
  1280 x 720       QUICKTIME 4 GB
  1280 x 720       QUICKTIME 113 MB
  640 x 360         MPEG-4 34 MB
  320 x 180         PNG     192 KB
  160 x 80           PNG       46 KB
  80 x 40             PNG       13 KB

Dr. Angelos Vourlidas, the Project Scientist for STEREO's Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investivation (SECCHI) instrument, explains how the STEREO satellites have been able to observe the true size, shape, and three-dimensional structure of a coronal mass ejection for the first time.For complete transcript, click here.    Dr. Angelos Vourlidas, the Project Scientist for STEREO's Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investivation (SECCHI) instrument, explains how the STEREO satellites have been able to observe the true size, shape, and three-dimensional structure of a coronal mass ejection for the first time.

For complete transcript, click here.
Duration: 1.8 minutes
Available formats:
  960x540 (29.97 fps) MPEG-4   59 MB
  640x360 (29.97 fps) MPEG-4   21 MB
  512x288 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   15 MB
  1280x720 (30 fps) QT         62 MB
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) QT         1 GB
  320x180     PNG           251 KB
  160x80       PNG           58 KB
  80x40         PNG           15 KB
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) QT         29 MB
  346x260 (30 fps) WMV         12 MB
How to play our movies

Dr. Angelos Vourlidas, the Project Scientist for STEREO's Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investivation (SECCHI) instrument, explains how the STEREO satellites have been able to observe the true size, shape, and three-dimensional structure of a coronal mass ejection for the first time.For complete transcript, click here.    Dr. Angelos Vourlidas, the Project Scientist for STEREO's Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investivation (SECCHI) instrument, explains how the STEREO satellites have been able to observe the true size, shape, and three-dimensional structure of a coronal mass ejection for the first time.

For complete transcript, click here.

Available formats:
  960 x 540         MPEG-4 59 MB
  640 x 360         MPEG-4 21 MB
  512 x 288         MPEG-1 15 MB
  1280 x 720       QUICKTIME 62 MB
  1280 x 720       QUICKTIME 1 GB
  320 x 180         PNG     251 KB
  160 x 80           PNG       58 KB
  80 x 40             PNG       15 KB
  1280 x 720       QUICKTIME 29 MB
  346 x 260         X-MS-WMV 12 MB

Animation Number:10418
Animator:Walt Feimer (HTSI) (Lead)
Producer:Chris Smith (UMBC)
Scientist:Angelos Vourlidas (NRL)
Platform/Sensor/Data Set:STEREO
Series:Narrated Movies
SVS >> Sun
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NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/ Conceptual Image Lab

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