Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Weigh in Motion Stations - Data Dictionary

Abstract: The data included in the GIS Traffic Stations Version database have been assimilated from station description files provided by FHWA for Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) stations, and Automatic Traffic Recorders (ATR). Location referencing information was derived from the National Highway Planning Network version 4.0. and State offices of Transportation. The attributes on the point elements of the database have come from two primary sources, the Station Description Records and the National Highway Planning Network's Linear Referencing System. The attributes for these databases have been intentionally limited to location referencing attributes since the core station description attribute data are contained within the Station Description Tables (SDT). There is a separate Station Description Table (SDT) for each of the different station types; WIM, and ATR. The attributes in the Station Description Table correspond with the Station Description Record found in Chapter 6 of the latest Traffic Monitoring Guide. The SDT contains the most recent stations available for each state and station type. This table was derived from files provided UTCTR by FHWA. The Station Description Table can be linked to the station shapefile via the STNNKEY field . A single exception table containing records for those stations that could not be located is provided for WIM, and ATR stations. Generally, this table contains records where location descriptions were not clear enough to locate a station. It is hoped that FHWA will be able to contact the States for a more detailed description

Purpose: The GIS Traffic Stations database provides structural linkages between the National Highway Planning Network Weigh In Motion (WIM), and Automatic Traffic Count Stations (ATR)

Field Number Attribute Description Data Type
0 FID Internal feature number. Long Integer representing an object identifier
1 Shape Feature geometry. Geometry
2 STTNKEY Unique Station Identifier: Concatenated State FIPS code and Unique Station ID Character String
3 NHS Indicates whether the section is on the National Highway System (NHS) or is an NHS connector to an intermodal facility. Integer
4 LOCATION Station Location Description Character String
5 CONFIDENCE Confidence that point was created correctly using the data provided Double Precision Floating Point
6 COMMENT Notes on point creation and relationship to location Character String
7 LONGITUDE The longitude of the point expressed as a signed real number. This value is in decimal degrees with negative values indicating West longitude and positive values indicating East longitude. Double Precision Floating Point
8 LATITUDE The latitude of the point expressed as a signed real number. This value is in decimal degrees with negative values indicating South latitude and positive values indicating North latitude. Double Precision Floating Point
9 YEAR_GEO Year the location was spatial located Double Precision Floating Point
10 YEAR_ATT Year the attribute data was collected Double Precision Floating Point
11 FCLASS The functional system upon which the section is located. Long Integer
12 PASSVEHVOL The estimate (for Passenger Vehicles Only) of typical traffic on a road segment for all days of the week, Sunday through Saturday, over the period of one year and calculated from permanent counter data as the sum of Monthly Average Daily Traffic (MADTs) divided by the number of MADTs, and for short term counts by using adjustment factors. Double Precision Floating Point
13 TOTVEHVOL The estimate of typical traffic (for all Vehicles) on a road segment for all days of the week, Sunday through Saturday, over the period of one year and calculated from permanent counter data as the sum of Monthly Average Daily Traffic (MADTs) divided by the number of MADTs, and for short term counts by using adjustment factors. Long Integer
14 PERTRUCK Percentage of AADT that were Trucks. Double Precision Floating Point
15 SUMAVGVW Summation of the average gross vehicle weight for trucks including all connected components (in Metric Tons) Double Precision Floating Point
16 STFIPS State FIPS Code Character String
17 CTFIPS 3 digit code for where the point resides Character String
18 VERSION Version of the database Character String

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