USDA Forest Service

Umatilla National Forest

  Ecosystem & Roads Analysis
  Forest Plan Analysis Tools
  Forest Plan Revision
  NEPA Reading Room
Natural Resources
Timber Resources
Resource Advisory Committees (RACs)
  District Offices
Heppner Ranger District
North Fork John Day Ranger District
Pomeroy Ranger District
Walla Walla Ranger District

Umatilla National Forest
2517 S.W. Hailey Avenue
Pendleton, OR 97801


USDA and Forest Service Logo

Forest Planning - Operations Research

Ecosystem and Roads Analysis | Environmental Assessments | Environmental Impact Statements | Forest Plans |
Monitoring and Evaluation Reports | Schedule of Proposed Activities

Project Tools

  • ETAC. Software for Calculating Vegetation Disturbance and Recovery by Using the Equivalent Clearcut Area Model. Calculating ECA on multiple watersheds and management scenarios for project-level analysis is a tedious process. We automated the process with a program called Equivalent Treatment Area Calculator (ETAC) to streamline its application on National Forests in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon.
  • HEICALC: Software for calculating Elk Habitat Effectiveness Index. Program calculates the Blue Mountain Elk Habitat Effectiveness Index from digital cover/forage maps and data on open roads and forage quantity/quality.

  • HEIWEST: Microcomputer software for calculating the western Oregon Habitat Effectiveness Index. This model evaluates four habitat components: the size and spacing of forage and cover areas, the density of roads open to vehicular traffic, the quality of cover, and the quality of forage.
  • A Coarse Wood Dynamic Model for the Western Cascades. PSW-GTR-181 pdf graphic (245 kb) 2002
Photo of Forest Analyst experiencing total meltdown while waiting for a particularly long data run to end.


USDA Forest Service - Umatilla National Forest
Last Modified:  Friday, 21-Jul-2006 12:58:47 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.