Large springs in the valley and ridge province in Tennessee

U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations Report 89-4205

by E.F. Hollyday and Mark A. Smith

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Approximately 2,700 miscellaneous discharge measurements for 171 large springs in 28 counties of East Tennessee, predominantly within the Valley and Ridge physiographic province, were analyzed statistically and results tabulated to summarize data useful to the Appalachian Valleys-Piedmont Regional Aquifer-System Analysis study. The number of measurements at each spring ranged from 1 to 65. Information for each spring includes station number, latitude, longitude, spring name, and where data are sufficient, an estimate of the mean discharge and the discharge exceeded by 75, 50, and 25 percent of the miscellaneous measurements. Data are referenced to locations on a 1:1,000,000-scale map. The highest mean spring discharge was 32.2 cubic feet per second (14,500 gallons per minute).

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