Publication Citation

USGS Series Water Supply Paper
Report Number 1899-K
Title A glossary of Karst terminology
Edition -
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Monroe, Watson Hiner
Year 1970
Originating office
USGS Library Call Number (200) G no.1899-K
Physical description 26 p. ;24 cm.

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This glossary includes most terms used in describing karst geomorphologic features and processes. The terms are primarily those used in the literature of English-speaking countries, but a few of the more common terms in French, German, and Spanish are included, with references to the corresponding English terms where they are available. The glossary also includes simple definitions of the more common rocks and minerals found in karst terrain, common terms of hydrology, and a number of the descriptive terms used by speleologists. The glossary does not include definitions of most biospeleological terms, geologic structure terms, varieties of carbonate rock that require microscopic techniques for identification, or names describing tools and techniques of cave exploration.