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Previous Next Up Topic Announcements / Ocean Color Announcements / MODIS Update Announcement from NASA Head (13589 hits)
By @gene Date 2004-01-30 14:50
Members of the Ocean Color Community,

         As it is the start of a new year, I would like to provide an
update on the status of the Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program at
NASA, focusing on two main issues:  MODIS oceans data, and the evolution of
the individual ocean mission-based data processing systems to an integrated
ocean measurement-based data processing system.

         Approximately two weeks ago, NASA announced selections for the
solicitation that involved (Terra and Aqua) MODIS algorithm validation and
refinement proposals, as well as science data analysis
Many selections correspond to changes in the core functions of the MODIS
team.  Given these selections, as well as preliminary research being funded
for NPP ocean color algorithms and data processing systems, and the recent
renegotiation of the SeaWiFS contract, the NASA Office of Earth Science is
taking this opportunity to integrate and evolve the respective
mission-based data processing systems.

         The new MODIS team will have several charges, a key charge being
to support NASA as the Earth Science Research programs transition from
mission to measurement teams.e.g., develop an ocean discipline-based data
processing system.  This will be a single ocean data processing system
whose functions include, but are not limited to, data calibration,
validation, and data processing for past and current missions, and
prototyping activities to prepare for future sensor
measurements.  Membership to aspects of the ocean processing science team
will be competed just as the current mission science teams are competed
among the community.  The recent (2003) selections for MODIS and NPP, and
the renewal of the SeaWiFS contract provide a unique opportunity to
integrate the individual teams' efforts, with a key goal of ensuring a
comparable and consistent seamless time series of high-quality data for
climate and other scientific research.  The Ocean Biology and
Biogeochemistry program will serve as the pilot for NASA's Earth Science
discipline processing effort, with the terrestrial and atmospheric
communities to follow.  Spin-up of the ocean data processing system will
require support from and encompass aspects of the SeaWiFS project, former
SIMBIOS personnel, NPP Ocean color team members, and both previous and
recently-selected MODIS Oceans PIs.  Each current "mission" or "project"

will be integrated into a single ocean processing scheme.  The ocean color
community will have a key role in determining products produced, algorithms
implemented, user needs, climate data record (CDR) accuracy requirements,
etc.  As NASA transitions some of the ocean discipline processing
responsibilities and infrastructure to new MODIS ocean PIs and spins up the
ocean discipline processing system, there will be some changes to
day-to-day operations of MODIS processing and data distribution.  I ask
that you please be patient during this transition.  Updates concerning
NASA's ocean color data processing and distribution will be provided on
this mailing list.

Near-term changes and goals include:

         - addition of MODIS processing capability into SeaDAS
         - compatible scaling, data formatting, and data projection for
         - reduction of the MODIS product suite into a few key parameters,
including, but not limited to, water-leaving radiances (a full data product
review for MODIS will involve the community within the next few months)
         - data distribution via the SeaWiFS and NPP-prototyping interface
         - near real-time data distribution for Aqua MODIS oceans data

         The target date for these goals is 1 February 2004.  I will be the
lead on development and implementation of the ocean discipline processing.

         Regarding the MODIS ocean data:  at this time NASA Earth Science
management has decided to temporarily cease processing Terra MODIS Oceans
data and focus the PIs' and discipline processing team's efforts on Aqua
MODIS data.  The target date to begin the temporary cessation is 1 February
2004.  Aqua MODIS appears to be a more stable instrument than Terra MODIS,
although further analyses by the ocean color community is needed.  My
E-mail of last week pointed to a document that described the current issues
in the Terra MODIS Oceans calibration
http://modis-ocean.gsfc.nasa.gov/calstatus_nov03.html.  The fourth
reprocessing of Terra MODIS Oceans data is now complete and in the archive
at the Goddard DAAC; these data will continue to be available for
research.  NASA's goal is to refine Aqua MODIS Oceans data to climate
research quality, and integrate SeaWiFS and Aqua MODIS into a seamless,
climate research quality time series.  (Data products in this time series
will be community-reviewed and selected.)  Once the integration of
high-quality SeaWiFS and Aqua MODIS oceans data is complete, NASA may
choose to revisit the Terra MODIS Oceans data for further analyses.  NASA
will need the international ocean color community's support and input in
these pursuits.

         I am working with other NASA Headquarters personnel to determine a
course for Terra MODIS sea surface temperature products.  These data are
validated and of high quality, and I should have more information shortly
for those who wish to continue to obtain these data from Terra MODIS.

         To effect a smooth transition from the previous MODIS Oceans team
to the recently-selected MODIS oceans team, an Oceans Group Chair and ocean
program liaison has been designated from the MODIS selectees by Vincent
Salomonson, MODIS Team Leader.  The Oceans Group Chair will be Chuck
McClain at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.  Chuck McClain, as MODIS
Oceans Group Chair, will also support NASA's efforts to develop and
implement the ocean discipline processing system.  However, overall
responsibility for Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry program projects,
including data processing and products, will be under my
supervision.  Guidance on these endeavors, as they progress, will be given
from NASA Headquarters based on ocean color community input and feedback.

         There are likely unanswered questions concerning the issues of the
MODIS data and the ocean discipline data processing system, so please feel
free to contact me by E-mail or telephone with further questions.  The
aforementioned issues are part of what will be discussed at the NASA Town
Hall at the ASLO/TOS Ocean Research Conference in February 2004, with
further discussion at the Ocean Color Research Team meeting (mid-April
2004).  One of the main discussion topics for the Ocean Color Research Team
meeting in April (meeting details will be available shortly) will be a
community discussion concerning ocean color algorithm and data product

         At this time I would also like to direct everyone to two upcoming
NASA Earth Science NRAs which should be released this month, Oceans and
Ice, and Carbon Cycle Science
(http://research.hq.nasa.gov/code_y/open.cfm).  These NRAs will offer more
opportunities for ocean color remote sensing research from NASA.

         I look forward to working with you all to usher in the next
generation of NASA's ocean color remote sensing research.

         Best wishes,


Dr. Paula Bontempi
Manager, Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Programs
Office of Earth Science
Code YS
NASA Headquarters
300 E St. SW
Washington, D.C.  20546
Telephone:  202.358.1508
Facsimile:  202.358.2770
E-mail:  paula.s.bontempi@nasa.gov
Previous Next Up Topic Announcements / Ocean Color Announcements / MODIS Update Announcement from NASA Head (13589 hits)

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