1. General.

A. Due to the diversity of USGS missions and the wide variety of physical facilities and types of space occupied by the regions throughout the country, this handbook cannot begin to address all the possible applications of the security principles and procedures described herein. Instead, it is incumbent on security officers and responsible managers to adapt the standards, methods, and minimum requirements prescribed in this handbook to the particular site or situation at hand, as required by local conditions.

B. A manager may determine that a certain function is critical to his or her mission and therefore requires special safeguards or protection of some kind. This protection might include functions that are necessary for continuous operation, are difficult to restore, involve valuable or sensitive equipment or documents, or present safety hazards.

C. Security measures for safeguarding such critical functions might include segregation of the operation from adjacent areas, surveillance by camera or guard, access control card key system, construction of a strongroom, implementation of an employee identification system, placement of a receptionist at an entrance, use of visitor control logs, or installation of cipher locks. These measures are discussed in detail elsewhere in this handbook.

2. Functions Requiring Special Security Measures. Certain objects or functions require special security measures as set forth in a regulation published by the agency assigned primary Federal responsibility. Other functions or objects, because of the increased threat, require special security measures to protect against loss, damage, or misuse even though Federal standards have not been established. Addressed in the following sections are some typical functions of the USGS that require special security measures in compliance with Federal regulations or because of the increased threat to these items.


1. General. If a USGS office should have cash on hand, the Security Management Office recommends that the storage requirements below for small and large funds be established.

2. Storage Requirements for Small Funds. Safekeeping facilities should be tailored to the size of the fund, as well as the vulnerability of the facility. Relatively small funds ($500 or less) may be stored in a UL rated burglary-resistant safe offering a limited degree of protection against expert burglary with common mechanical or electrical tools (See Chapter 7, Paragraph 6.A.1). Also, security containers equipped with built-in combination locks and manufactured prior to the GSA-approval process are approved for the safekeeping of Government funds. The cost of any proposed container should be compared with the amount of cash being safeguarded.

3. Storage Requirements for Large Funds. Because they provide adequate forced entry protection, either a GSA-Approved Class 5 security container or an UL-rated burglary resistant safe (see Chapter 7, Paragraphs 2 and 6.A.2) should be utilized to safeguard large funds. Based upon local vulnerabilities, consider installation of a panic or holdup alarm (see Chapter 5, Paragraph 6.I). The cost of any additional security systems should be compared with the amount of cash being safeguarded.

4. Other Security Considerations.

A. When possible, locate any cash-handling operation or facility on an upper floor, as deep as practical within a building. This will preclude easy access from the street and may hamper a criminal's opportunities for getting away easily.

B. Take reasonable precautions to safeguard government funds. For example, screen the handling of funds from public view to the extent practical. Rather than holding large amounts of cash, obtain advances in the form of several checks to be cashed only as needed. Avoid attracting attention when performing sizable cash transfers by doing so in an inconspicuous and non-routine manner.

C. Request escort from the guard service, FPS, or local law enforcement to move large amounts of funds between the fund activity and depositories. An even higher degree of safety can be achieved by using electronic funds transfers to the maximum extent practicable.

D. Limit the number of employees allowed access to the storage container and the lock combination. Consider procedures to record each time the container is opened and closed, by whom, and a closing witness check.

E. Prepare emergency procedures to follow in event of a holdup or other critical situation. Coordinate emergency procedures and response planning with the FPS and local law enforcement officials (see Chapter 9).


1. General. The nature of USGS field operations is such that firearms are needed by employees in certain areas for protection from hostile wildlife, for signaling, or for hunting in a survival situation. All USGS firearms and ammunition should be stored in secure areas approved by the Program Manager of the activity and under the control of a designated firearms custodian. Managers should ensure that firearms custodians and employees who are assigned firearms provide security to firearms and ammunition in accordance with the following standards. A checklist to assist Program Managers in assuring that all of the following standards are being followed is included as Appendix E, “Firearms and Ammunition Storage Site Checklist.”

2. Unassigned Firearms.

A. All firearms shall be held in a secure, locked, and safe storage area when not assigned to an employee, while awaiting repair, or other circumstance resulting in the firearms being in the custody of a firearms custodian. The storage area should be initially approved by the Bureau Firearms Manager. The following minimum guidelines should be followed when storing firearms and ammunition.

(1) Firearms should be stored in GSA-approved security containers (see Chapter 7, Paragraph 2D(2)), vaults (see Chapter 5, Paragraph 3), or UL-labeled safes or weapons cabinets (see Chapter 7, Paragraph 6).

(2) When used in conjunction with a strongroom (see Chapter 5, Paragraph 5), firearms may be stored in a filing cabinet equipped with locking bars and secured with a combination padlock (see Chapter 6, Paragraph 3.B.(2)) or a security container equipped with a built-in combination lock and manufactured prior to the GSA approval process.

(3) Locally fabricated storage containers that provide commensurate protection as (1) or (2) above may be approved by the Bureau Firearms Manager for the storage of firearms.

B. Access to firearm storage containers should be limited to those employees designated to issue such firearms. The firearm storage area should be designated at least a Controlled Area (see Chapter 5, Paragraph 2) to control access to the area. If more than 35 firearms are stored, an alarm with a guard or police response is recommended.

3. Temporary or Residential Storage.

A. Employees who temporarily store issued firearms in their residence or other accommodations shall secure such firearms in an unloaded condition in a locked container, cabinet, apparatus, device, storage room, or closet to preclude easy access by intruders, children, or other unauthorized persons. For added safety, an employee should utilize a trigger guard lock or insert a padlock through the open cylinder or frame to render a firearm harmless.

B. Responsible managers should ensure compliance with any applicable State laws governing firearms storage and ensure employees are provided with adequate storage facilities and locking equipment. Ten States (California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Iowa, Maryland, Maine, New Jersey, Virginia, and Wisconsin) have laws designed to protect children from firearms. In these States, responsible individuals must either securely store firearms or use a trigger guard lock, or both. Keys or combinations to locks should receive a high level of security attention.

C. Ammunition should be in a locked location, away from the firearm.

4. Unauthorized Storage. Firearms should never be stored in an unauthorized location, including homes, offices, and should be secured in a location not accessible to unauthorized personnel and children.

5. Ammunition Storage. Ammunition stores should be held in a secure and safe storage area or container as approved by the USGS Firearms Manager.

A. Firearms and ammunition should not be stored in the same storage container unless the container meets the requirements outlined in Paragraph 2 above. If those requirements are not met, then separate storage facilities that have separate locking mechanisms should be provided. Keys and combinations to ammunition security cabinets should receive a high level of security.

B. Small arms ammunition (rifle, pistol, or shotgun cartridges) shall be separated from materials classified by the U. S. Department of Transportation as flammable liquids, flammable solids, and oxidizing materials by a distance of 15 feet (4.6 meters) or by a fire partition having a fire resistance of at least 1 hour. (See NFPA 495, Explosive Materials Code.)

C. Small arms ammunition shall not be stored together with Class A or Class B explosives (see Chapter 20, Safety and Environmental Health Handbook (445-1-H) unless the storage facility is suitable for storage of explosive materials. (See NFPA 495, Explosive Materials Code.)

6. Firearms in Vehicles. Firearms carried in the passenger compartment of a vehicle should be secured in a locked gun mount. Otherwise, the firearm should be cased and secured in the trunk of the vehicle. When firearms are carried in vehicles with no trunk compartment, every precaution should be taken to ensure that they are not visible or accessible from outside of the vehicle.

7. Transportation of Firearms.

A. It is essential that proper precautions be taken when transporting firearms to ensure that safety and accountability are maintained. Firearms should be personally transported whenever possible.

B. When personal transportation of firearms is not practical, firearms may be transported by mail using the U.S. Postal Service, United Parcel Service, or other similar carriers. All shipments should be registered with a return receipt that provides evidence of receipt by the addressee. The addressee should be notified that an official government firearm is being sent to their location/facility. All firearms must be mailed in an unloaded condition.

C. When a firearm is transported on scheduled commercial carriers in conjunction with official duties, the firearm should be placed unloaded in a locked hard-sided, crush-proof case and transported in the baggage compartment. In the case of commercial air travel, the ticket agent must be notified of the fact that an unloaded firearm is being transported in locked baggage prior to checking the baggage with the airline.

D. Ammunition should not be transported in the passenger compartment of a commercial carrier or in the same case with the firearm. Generally, ammunition must be transported in a metal, wood, or fiberglass container or in the manufacturer's original container. The ticket agent should be notified that ammunition is being transported prior to checking the baggage with the airline.

E. Each individual commercial carrier may have specific shipping and packing requirements for firearms and ammunition. Therefore, it is prudent to notify the airline when making flight reservations that firearms/ammunition will be carried.

8. Lost or Stolen Firearms. Lost or stolen firearms must be immediately reported in compliance with the incident reporting procedures outlined in Chapter 3, Paragraph 10.B. Every effort must be made immediately to locate the firearm.

9. Disposal of Firearms. Excess firearms are reported to GSA for transfer to other Federal agencies that are authorized to acquire firearms for official use. When no longer needed for Federal use, they are disposed of as scrap after total destruction by crushing, cutting, breaking, or deforming to be performed in a manner to ensure that the firearms are rendered completely inoperative and to preclude their being made operative. Such disposal shall be coordinated through the Regional Security Officer.

10. Disposal of Ammunition. When ammunition is no longer needed for Federal use, local DOD or law enforcement agencies should be requested to accept and dispose of excess ammunition. Small arms ammunition that has been exposed to fire or damage by exposure to water shall not be excessed for reasons of safety. The manufacturer shall be contacted to obtain recommendations for disposal of damaged ammunition.


1. General.

A. These guidelines are provided to assist security offices and custodial property officers in establishing appropriate physical security measures necessary to protect office and laboratory equipment. Office equipment includes office automation equipment, microcomputers, computer terminals, calculators, audiovisual equipment, telephone, facsimile machines, etc. Laboratory equipment includes the wide variety of scientific instruments used in USGS laboratories.

B. Because of the variety of work places where such office or laboratory equipment is found, it is not appropriate to establish mandatory physical protection requirements for all environments. Security officers and responsible custodial property officers must determine the level of security needed, based on an assessment of threats to the equipment, including a review of past incidents of theft and vandalism in the office/laboratory, building, and surrounding area.

2. Threat Determination.

A. Data indicates that valuable and portable office and laboratory equipment are most commonly stolen or vandalized by semiskilled and unskilled burglars, employees or visitors. However, the security measures mentioned here may also apply against other illegal or unauthorized acts. For example, a lockable cabinet that protects a computer against theft also helps prevent unauthorized use of the equipment.

B. During security evaluations, the security officer or responsible custodial property officer should look at the building and interior areas, taking into consideration:

(1) What items are most likely to be stolen?

(2) How could entry be gained?

(3) Where could property be concealed for later removal?

(4) Can exit with property be easily accomplished unchallenged?

(5) Has the activity experienced equipment thefts during business and after business hours?

3. Special Security Considerations. In addition to the various protection measures discussed in detail elsewhere in this handbook, consideration should be given to provide additional protection to portable equipment. The security measures listed below will increase the time required to tamper with or remove the equipment.

A. Unoccupied offices and laboratories should be locked, especially after business hours.

B. Lock small and valuable equipment in a cabinet or closet.

C. Maintain tight control and accountability of keys, and keep keys in a secure place.

D. Do not store unused equipment in isolated areas.

E. Escort wandering or "lost" visitors to the right office.

F. Establish a system to ensure that the last person to leave at night checks that all windows and doors are closed and locked.

G. Ensure building package control procedures and property removal permits are strictly enforced.

H. In high-risk environments:

(1) Establish entry control procedures or install access control equipment commensurate with the sensitivity or value of the resources involved.

(2) Install an intrusion detection system that acts as a deterrence to intrusion and alerts security personnel of an actual intrusion.


1. General. Warehouses are facilities that usually store large amounts of equipment, furniture, paper products, firearms, etc. Due to their size and often-remote locations, warehouses can present unique security challenges. A warehouse is designed for ease of access and loading and unloading of materials. Resultantly, vandalism and theft are two of the major security risks to storage and distribution facilities. Another major concern is the possibility of a fire destroying hundreds of pounds worth of valuables. Contact the Bureau Safety Manager for additional information on facility fire detection, monitoring, prevention, and response safeguards.

2. Physical Security Surveys. The guidelines discussed in detail elsewhere in this handbook for conducting physical security surveys and determining the minimum-security safeguards to be implemented apply to warehouses as well as other facilities, buildings, and areas. During a security evaluation, the FSO should consider all facility security standards as described in Appendix B, DOI Facility Security Standards. The following are some highlighted measures for warehouses:

A. Perimeter Security Measures. Provide perimeter protection by assessing the warehouse for physical barriers, fencing, gates, and protective lighting inside and outside the facility to include parking lots. (See Chapter 4. Exterior Protection)

B. Intruder Alarms. Ensure that there is adequate alarm coverage of all doors, windows, along with the interior space and that there are appropriate monitoring and response capabilities. (See Chapter 5. Interior Protection)

C. CCTV. Install a CCTV system that adequately monitors the movement of both people and vehicles. (See Chapter 5.6 Intrusion Detection Systems)

D. Locking Devices and Access Control Systems. Ensure that a suitable level of control over access and egress points is established by providing adequate locking devices for external and internal doors, windows, gates, and fences. Establish procedures for the positive identification of all employees, visitors, and vendors along with procedures for challenging unauthorized/unidentified persons. (See Chapter 6. Locks and Keys and Chapter 8. Identification and Admittance To Facilities)

E. Review Shipping and Receiving Procedures. Audit current standards and procedures for package entry and the loading and unloading of material establishing an inventory monitoring process. Consider X-ray, magnetometer, radiation, and irradiation screening devices where dictated as a result of the overall security assessment of the warehouse/facility. Restrict access to only authorized vehicles. Unauthorized passenger or other vehicles should not be allowed access to park, drop-off passengers, or stand in the loading area. (See Chapter 8. Identification and Admittance To Facilities)

3. Special Security Considerations. In addition to the various protection measures discussed above, consideration should be given to the following measures:

A. Utilize equipment solutions to secure areas. You can look at such items as security mirrors that give you visibility into closed areas, around corners, and into hallways. Wire partitions and security cages will tightly control access. You can also limit access to an area with folding security gates, if you need flexibility and door coverage. Lockable wire cabinets and lockers can provide pilferage deterrence and protection in the right situation. There are other products that can lock a pallet rack bay or a shelving unit down, allowing you to combine security and storage into the same process.

B. Separate the employee parking lot from the warehouse docks, making it much more difficult to remove items from the warehouse. Consider having a fence separating the warehouse from the parking lot, as well.

C. Do not place a dumpster or other bins, large containers, scrap vessels, or cans near an accessible door. They can become ideal places for thieves to stow stolen inventory for later pickup and removal to cars. If you cannot position your dumpster in a way that discourages thievery, consider making it lockable so that access is difficult to unauthorized personnel, searching it frequently, and letting people know it is monitored.

D. Eliminate bushes, shrubbery, and foliage from the perimeter of the warehouse, especially when they are near a door to curtail thieves from hiding items stolen out of the warehouse within the landscaping plants.

E. Limit your number of doors. There should only be one door that is open with either a guard or employee in charge of watching this door. If the warehouse traffic is minimal, consider keeping the main access door locked using an entry control system with CCTV that provides employees with the ability to view and communicate remotely with visitors before allowing access. If fire regulations require more than one door, use bars that set off an alarm if the doors are opened.

F. Establish a security awareness program covering the warehouse physical security requirements, inventory procedures, and an internal/external communications system to contact internal security personnel or local law enforcement police. These programs should encourage active employee participation in security controls along with stressing what to do when there is a security concern or violation.

G. When storing special items or material that require additional safeguards (i.e., firearms, explosives, chemicals, etc.), ensure that you determine the special safeguards by contacting the cognizant bureau official and that you implement the special safeguards either before or upon the initial storage of the special items or material.


1. General. This section sets forth the USGS’s policy on the dissemination of sensitive but unclassified (SBU) paper and electronic building information of USGS owned, leased, or delegated facilities. This section outlines the security procedures needed to reduce the risk that sensitive paper and electronic building information will be used for dangerous or illegal purposes.

2. Type of Information for Document Security.

A. Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) Building Information. SBU includes but is not limited to paper and/or electronic documentation of the physical facility information listed below. Building designs (such as floor plans), construction plans and specifications, renovation/alteration plans, equipment plans and locations, building operating plans, information used for building service contracts and/or contract guard services, or any other information considered a security risk, for all USGS owned, leased, or delegated facilities, shall be considered covered under this category. Specifically (but not exclusively), it includes:

(1) Location of secure functions in the facility such as judges' chambers and libraries, prisoner or judges' secure circulation paths (both vertical and horizontal), cell blocks, sally ports, judges' parking, security areas, and childcare, major computer processing areas or other client sensitive processing areas (such as major photo or computer labs, etc);

(2) Location of all utilities, such as heating, ventilation, air conditioning, information technology (IT) systems, location of air intake vents, water sources, gas lines, plumbing lines, building automation systems, power distribution systems, emergency generation equipment, uninterrupted power sources (UPS), security and fire alarm systems, routes and annunciation panels;

(3) Location and type of structural framing for the building and any information regarding structural analysis or building security and blast mitigation analysis and counter terrorism methods taken to protect the occupants and building; and

(4) Information regarding security systems or strategies of any kind (such as camera locations) or security guards (such as number and location).

B. Non-Sensitive Unclassified Building Information. Information regarding the building that may be made available for limited public dissemination under the following conditions:

(1) Building elevation or other drawings of new or existing buildings shall not show or label information defined under the SBU categories in 8.a., above.

(2) Interior photographs that are limited to publicly accessible space or have been cleared for publication by USGS.

(3) Conceptual space planning drawings with floor layouts may be made available for presentations to professional designers (architect/engineers, etc.), professional schools for educational purposes, community planning groups participating in the design of new Federal space, or professional print publications if specific SBU building information (structural columns, utilities, etc.) is not shown and judges' chambers, secure circulation routes, secure elevator locations, etc. are shown as generic space with no wall partitions (such as a block of unpartitioned space labeled "Judicial Space"). Generic concept (bubble) diagrams may be shown to convey information for a non-specific building.

Note: It is the responsibility of the disseminator to use good judgment and to apply the principle that the more open the forum, the more generic/conceptual the information must be.

(4) Detailed floor layout drawings of any kind for specific buildings shall not be made available over the public internet or in public presentations or print media, such as brochures, magazines, books, etc.

3. Labeling of Information. All SBU building information, either in electronic or paper formats, shall have imprinted on each page of the information:

Do not remove this notice
Properly destroy documents when no longer needed

A. The following paragraph will be included on the cover page of the information (such as the cover page on the set of construction drawings and on the cover page of the specifications) and on the label of all magnetic media:

Do not remove this notice
Properly destroy documents when no longer needed

B. The previous two statements shall be prominently labeled in bold type in a size appropriate for the document. On a set of construction drawings, for example, the statements should be in a minimum of 14-point bold type.

4. Reasonable Care for Dissemination of SBU Building Information. Those who are disseminating SBU building information (which includes flow down dissemination by prime/general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, architects/engineers, Federal Agencies, lessors, private sector plan rooms, state and local governments, print shops/reprographic firms, etc.) must obtain a signed copy of the Document Security Notice, Figure 10-1, by authorized users of SBU building information that they will exercise reasonable care when handling SBU building documents. "Reasonable care" is defined as:

A. Limiting Dissemination To Authorized Users. Dissemination of information shall only be made upon determination that the recipient is authorized to receive it. The criterion to determine authorization is need-to-know. Those with a need-to-know are other Federal Government agencies (who shall make requests through their agency management), and non-Government entities that are specifically granted access for the conduct of business on behalf of or with USGS. This includes those necessary to do work at the request of the Government, such as architects and engineers, consultants, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, plan rooms, and others that the contractor deems necessary in order to submit an offer/bid or to complete the work or contract, as well as maintenance and repair contractors and equipment service contractors.

Note: It is the responsibility of the person or firm disseminating the information to assure that the recipient is an authorized user and to keep the Document Security Notice records of recipients.

Authorized users shall provide identification as set forth below:

(1) Valid identification for Federal Government users. Valid identification of authorized Government users receiving SBU building information shall be verification of Government employment.

(2) Valid identification for non-Government users. Authorized non-Government users shall provide valid identification to receive SBU building information. Valid identification shall be all items (a) through (c), and including item (d), as necessary:

(a) A copy of a valid business license or other documentation granted by the state or local jurisdiction to conduct business. The license at a minimum shall provide the name, address, phone number of the company, state of incorporation, and the name of the individual legally authorized to act for the company. The business must be of the type required to do the work. A general contractor's license may be substituted for the business license in states that issue such licenses. In the rare cases where a business license is not available from the jurisdiction, the information shall be provided and testified to by the submitter;

(b) Verification of a valid DUNS Number against the company name listed on the business license or certification. Verification may be obtained through, or by calling Dun & Bradstreet at 703-807-5078 to set up an account; and

(c) A Valid IRS Tax ID Number of the company requesting the information; and, as necessary,

(d) A Valid picture state driver's license shall be required of person(s) picking up SBU documents. Phone verification must be made to a previously validated authorized user that the individual(s) picking up the documentation is/are authorized to do so by the company obtaining the documents. SBU documents will not be released to any individual or firm who has not, either previously or at the time of pickup, supplied the required documentation as outlined in paragraphs (a) through (c), above.

B. Record Keeping. Those who disseminate SBU building information must require a signed Document Security Notice from those who receive the information. Records of the signed Document Security Notices shall be maintained by the disseminator for five years. At the completion of work, secondary and other disseminators shall be required to turn over their Document Security Notice dissemination records to USGS.

C. Retaining and Destroying Documents. The efforts required above shall continue throughout the entire term of contract and for whatever specific time thereafter as may be necessary. Necessary record copies for legal purposes (such as those retained by the architect, engineer, or contractor) must be safeguarded against unauthorized use for the term of retention. Documents no longer needed shall be destroyed (such as after contract award, after completion of any appeals process, or completion of the work). Destruction shall be done by burning or shredding hardcopy, and/or physically destroying CD's, deleting and removing files from the electronic recycling bins, and removing material from computer hard drives using a permanent erase utility or similar software.

D. Notice of Disposal. For all contracts using SBU building information, the contractor shall notify the USGS Contracting Officer that he and his subcontractors have properly disposed of the SBU building documents, with the exception of the contractor's record copy, at the time of Release of Claims to obtain final payment.

5. Miscellaneous.

A. State and Local Governments. In order to comply with local regulations, USGS must provide localities with documents to issue building permits and to approve code requirements. Public safety entities such as fire departments and utility departments require unlimited access on a need-to-know basis. These authorities must be informed at the time they receive the documents that the information requires restricted access from the general public. When these documents are retired to local archives, they should be stored in restricted access areas. This order will not preclude the dissemination of information to those public safety entities.

B. Electronic Transfer and Dissemination. Transfer and dissemination of SBU information beyond the USGS intranet (internet or extranet, modem, DSL, wireless, etc.) must use at least 128 bit symmetric key encryption following NIST Special Publication 800-21 Guideline For Implementing Cryptography in the Federal Government. All transfers must use standard commercial products (such as PGP and Secret Agent) with encryption algorithms that are at least 128 bit symmetric (3DES, AES, RC4, IDEA, etc.), and follow the instructions outlined in this order.

C. Appropriate Levels of Security. This order is meant to define the minimum-security requirements of USGS for SBU building information. The senior official of a facility may define an individual project requiring additional security over that outlined in this section. Any information classified for national security purposes shall be handled according to Survey Manual 440.3, National Security Information, and the USGS National Security Information Handbook, 440-3-H.

D. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests. Because of the sensitive nature of SBU building information from a security standpoint, it shall not be disclosed pursuant to a FOIA request without a thorough analysis of the security implications and any potentially applicable exemptions under the FOIA. Any determination to disclose SBU building information pursuant to a FOIA request must be made by the senior official having jurisdiction over that facility, after consultation with the servicing legal office. The USGS Director has the authority to deny access to headquarters records and the Regional Geospatial Officers have the authority to deny access to regional records in response to FOIA requests, after consultation with the Solicitor’s Office.

E. Proprietary Information Owned by Architect/Engineers. All professional services consultants shall sign the Document Security Notice that documents containing SBU building information created under contract to the Federal Government shall be handled according to the procedures outlined in this section.

F. Private Sector Plan Rooms. Numerous private sector businesses provide plan rooms, which provide access to construction plans and specifications for bidding purposes as a service to construction contractors and subcontractors. Before receiving USGS SBU building information from any source for dissemination, the private sector plan room shall demonstrate to the USGS that they can and will adhere to the procedures outlined in this section, and sign the Document Security Notice.

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