Do You Feel Safer?

After 100 days, do you feel safer? More at
After 100 days, do you feel safer? More at
Category:  News & Politics
More From: JohnBoehner
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ebkesq72 (21 hours ago) Show Hide
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I feel safer knowing that the Republicans are no longer in power.
Raelth (23 hours ago) Show Hide
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yeah feel pretty safe here thanks though
im glad you're worried about me boehner but i'm fine stop calling so much mom jeez
mattchuuu1 (1 day ago) Show Hide
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Should Boehner be one to talk about National Security? When asked to vote on a resolution granting President George W Bush power to wage war specifically on Iraq using any means he wants, Boehner replied: "Yea."

Enough said.
metalmatthias (2 days ago) Show Hide
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Pretty sure any American would feel safer without the republicans pointing guns at any country that has an opinion of them. Hell i'm in Canada and I feel safer with Obama as the President of the US.
mattchuuu1 (2 days ago) Show Hide
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This is incredibly stupid. The premise of "keeping" us safe implies we were ever safe to begin with. Life doesn't work like that, no matter how hard politicians might wish otherwise. This is in the name of a leading Republican congressman? Well, at least this is a hell of a lot less effective than the stupidity of the leading republican's we had to put up with for the past 8 years. You're the threat to our security.
sesilu33 (2 days ago) Show Hide
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What a bunch of right wing extremism. Boehner do America a favor and quit politics....YOUR AN IDIOT ! ! !
My blind dog can lead better than you and your conservative party.
classicallady (2 days ago) Show Hide
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Gallup Poll May 12th Pres. Obama's approval 68%
classicallady (2 days ago) Show Hide
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trust the R.I.P.ubliCONS to impose fear and terror on the ppl.After all they make billions of dolars selling weapons. WARMONGERS and I forgot when you all lick rush's ass you like to spread a little ketchup on it
classicallady (2 days ago) Show Hide
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Lose the artificial tan Boehner..You looking like a carrot SORE LOSER
classicallady (2 days ago) Show Hide
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Brilliant. Priceless libro OR like Wanda Sykes suggested give texas to the Queen of England.Monarchs ADORE hypocrites
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