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Federal Registers
Safety and Health Programs - 53:26790-6

Federal Registers - Table of Contents Federal Registers - Table of Contents
• Publication Date: 07/15/1988
• Publication Type: Proposed Rules
• Fed Register #: 53:26790-6
• Standard Number: 1910; 1915; 1918
• Title: Safety and Health Programs


OSHA requests comments and information which could lead to the
development and promulgation of an occupational safety and health
guideline or other means of encouraging and assisting employers in
general industry, shipyard employment and longshoring to use
management methods to provide workplaces free of recognized hazards.
The purpose of this Request for Comments and Information is to
stimulate public particpation and comment by suggesting rationale
and language to provide adequate guidance.

Federal Registers - Table of Contents Federal Registers - Table of Contents

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