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Wednesday, 13 May 2009

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Major Economic Indicators Latest Numbers
Latest Numbers for Major Economic Indicators, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses PDF Print E-mail
The total number of Recordable Cases of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses on Guam in 2007 in the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses were (rounded to the nearest hundreds) 1,800 of which 900 were cases with days away from work, job transfer or restriction. Most of the cases, 1,600, occurred in private industry with the remaining 200 occurring in the State and Local government. Federal Government workers are not included in this survey program.
Total Recordable Cases in private industry were identical for the U.S. overall and Guam in 2007 at 4.2 cases per 100 full time equivalent workers. While there has been some variation in Guam’s rates, they have been generally below the aggregate U.S. rates. Over the time period from 1989-2007, U.S. Recordable Cases have generally declined.
Cases with lost work days for Guam are 2.2 per 100 full time equivalent workers in 2007, nearly identical with the comparable U.S. figure of 2.1 per hundred. In the earlier years, U.S. rates were generally above Guam rates, but their decline has resulted in a convergence of rates between Guam and the U.S. for both Recordable Cases as well as cases with lost workdays. The latest four year average for 2003 – 2007 shows Guam with identical Days Lost Cases as the U.S.
Differences in industry composition could account for differences in overall rates due to the more hazardous nature of some industries. Comparisons of rates for Days Lost Cases on an industry by industry basis indicate comparable patterns between Guam and the U.S. Transportation and Warehousing reports the highest industry incidence rates followed by Manufacturing and then Construction. Financial activities had the lowest incidence rates for both Guam and the U.S.
Unusual spikes in both Recordable and Days Lost Cases in Private Industry occurred in Guam in 1991. A review of the industry data indicates this was associated with a spike in Construction Recordable and Days Lost Cases during that year.
The median number of days away from work in 2007 for Guam was four days compared to seven days for the U.S.
Click here to view and/or download this report in it's entirety. (pdf format)
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