Wednesday, 13 May 2009

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Major Economic Indicators Latest Numbers
Latest Numbers for Major Economic Indicators, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
March 2005 Employment Report PDF Print E-mail
ImageThe Guam Department of Labor is pleased to announce the release of the March 2005 Employment Report.

Total payroll employment on Guam has exhibited relative stability with slight increases in each of the last three consecutive quarters. Estimated total employment of 57,510 jobs for March 2005 is up 110 jobs from the prior quarter but still down 460 jobs since the comparable figures of one year ago. Construction industry employment has continued to fall modestly in each of the last four consecutive quarters. Construction employment is down 120 jobs from the last quarter and 800 jobs from a year ago. Despite the recent declines, construction industry activity and employment remains strong at 4,690 employees, still 1,340 employees above the level of three years ago in March 2002. Transportation & Public Utilities gained 350 jobs over the latest quarter and 370 jobs over the latest year due to the transfer of the Guam Telephone Authority from Government to private ownership. Retail Trade is up from a year ago in part due to increased tourist arrivals, but down slightly from the December holiday season. Services other than hotels have remained steady this quarter but are down by 600 jobs from a year ago due largely to the reductions in Federal service employment contractors. The private sector employment total was up 160 jobs for the quarter but down 210 over the year.

Federal Government civilian employment remains relatively unchanged from the last quarter and year ago figures. Government of Guam employment decreased by 260 jobs from the comparable figure of one year ago. Private sector Average Hourly Earnings, Weekly Hours Paid and Weekly Earnings have changed little over the latest quarter and year.
Click here to view or download the entire report.

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Guam Registered Apprenticeship Action Clinic

Monday, 04 May 2009 | Administrator

Collaborate for Success:  Partnering with Registered ApprenticeshipThe Guam Registered Apprenticeship Team, and the Guam Department of Labor will be hosting an upcoming action clinic -...
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COBRA Continuation Coverage Assistance Under The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act

Tuesday, 10 March 2009 | Administrator

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