Wednesday, 13 May 2009

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Major Economic Indicators Latest Numbers
Latest Numbers for Major Economic Indicators, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
June 2006 Current Employment Report PDF Print E-mail
The Guam Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics is pleased to release the June 2006 Current Employment Report.

Estimates in this release are based on the Current Employment Statistics (CES) survey conducted  quarterly by the Guam Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration.

Employment Concepts

Employment data, except those for the Federal Government, refer to persons on establishment payrolls who received pay for any part of the pay period, which includes the 12th of the month. For Federal Government establishments, employment figures represent the number of persons who occupied positions on the last day of the calendar month.  Intermittent workers are counted if they performed any service during the month.

The data excludes proprietors, the self-employed, unpaid volunteer or family workers.  And domestic workers in households.  Salaried officers of corporations are included.  Government employment covers only civilian employees; military personnel are excluded.

Persons on establishment payrolls who are on sick leave (when pay is received directly from the firm), on paid holiday or paid vacation, or who work during a part of the pay period and are unemployed or on strike during the rest of the period, are counted as employed.  The CES survey counts a person employed by two or more establishments at each place of employment.  Not counted as employed are persons who are laid off, on leave without pay, or on strike for the entire period or who are hired but have not been paid during the period.

Industrial Classification

Establishments reporting on Form BLS-CES 3 are classified into industries on the basis of their principal product or activity determined from information on annual sales volume.  This information is collected on a supplement to the quarterly shuttle questionnaire.  For an establishment making more than one product or engaged in more than one activity, the entire employment is included under the industry indicated by the most important product or activity.  Employment series are classified in accordance with the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, U.S. Office of Management and Budget.  The 1972 Classification was used for the CES until March 1989 when a change to the 1987 edition was made.


Acknowledgement is due the University of Guam Computer Center under the direction of Dr. Luan Nguyen and particularly Ms. Frances Villaverde for data processing and programming work.  Acknowledgement is also due Marie Heflin  and Mernalee Sablan of the Department of Labor for conducting the survey.

Employment Highlights

The number of jobs recorded on private sector payrolls of Guam employers decreased by 540 jobs in the latest quarter and 320 over the latest one year period in the June preliminary figures.  The reduction of 400 construction industry jobs in the latest quarter and 790 in the latest year entirely accounted for the private sector reduction. Construction employment  dipped due to projects being completed with commencement of new ones pending. Excluding construction, private employment gained 470 jobs over the year.
The Transportation & Public Utilities industry division gained 120 jobs this quarter and gained 330 jobs over the year. Hotel employment ebbed by 70 jobs in the latest quarter but increased by 380 jobs over the year.  Retail Trade employment dropped by 290 jobs from the March period.  

Federal and Government of Guam employment remained virtually unchanged over the year. Government of Guam numbers this quarter reflect the usual seasonal decline in educational institutions for June. 

Click here to view or download the June 2006 Current Employment Report.

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