
Greg VanWoerkom 202-225-4401

Hoekstra Applauds Texas Gov. Perry on Affirming State’s Rights

Perry Endorsed a State Resolution Affirming Texas Sovereignty under the 10th Amendment

Washington, Apr 15 -

U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, issued the following statement on Texas Governor Rick Perry’s endorsement of House Concurrent Resolution 50 in the Texas legislature that would reaffirm Texas sovereignty under the 10th Amendment over all powers not otherwise granted to the federal government:

“The Tea Parties forming across the country today demonstrate the growing concern about the increasing intrusion of the federal government on Americans’ lives. I applaud Governor Perry for his effort to affirm states’ rights granted under the Constitution.

“The federal government continues to expand its influence on states and citizens. I have introduced legislation, the STEP Act, that would free states from bureaucratic red-tape and provide them flexibility to direct specific, federal transportation, education and job training grants to their most important priorities.

“States, businesses and citizens cannot afford further federal government mandates and regulations. During times of economic uncertainty, we need to support creativity and flexibility to promote economic growth.”