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Wednesday, 13 May 2009

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Latest Numbers for Major Economic Indicators, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Federal Expenditure Trends Publications PDF Print E-mail

The Guam Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics is pleased to release the Review of Federal Expenditure Trends Publications (pdf format)(excel format).



  • Total federal expenditures on Guam have generally risen over the twelve year history from FY 1993 to FY 2005 although the pattern has been neither smooth nor steady. The growth trend in total federal expenditures has been somewhat volatile, with three distinct peaks in expenditures related to typhoons with troughs in the intervening years. These peaks include those in 1994, 1998 and 2003 associated with typhoons Omar,  Paka and Pongsona.
  • Total federal expenditures on Guam increased by 40.6 percent from $1.0 billion in FY 1993 to $1.4 billion in FY 2005. In 1995 federal expenditure totals dropped to $809.7 million and remained in the $800 ñ $900 million dollar level for seven years from FY 1995 ñ 2001.  Using the lower FY 1995 level as a base, total federal expenditures on Guam increased by 74.5 percent over the decade from FY 1995 to FY 2005. Federal expenditures increased from FY 2004 to FY 2005 but remained below the highest level of federal expenditures reached in FY 2003 at over $1.5 billion. The general trend over the five year period from FY 2000 to FY 2005 has been generally increasing with a peak due to typhoon related expenditures in FY 2003
  • Total Direct Expenditures or Obligations for Defense have increased modestly 11.8 percent, from $637 million in FY 1993 to $712 million in FY 2005. Total Direct Expenditures or Obligations for Non Defense activities have increased more substantially by 90.5 percent, from $368 million to $701 million.
  • Federal spending by expenditure category in FY 2005 is led by Procurement Contracts with $411.4 million followed by Grants $367.8 million, Salaries and Wages $328.5 million, Retirement / Disability Payments for Individuals $224.2 million, Other Direct Payments for Individuals $58.8 million and Direct Payments other than for Individuals $22.0 million.
  • Trends in Federal spending vary markedly by expenditure category. Retirement / Disability Payments for Individuals is the most consistent, it follows a trend of steady moderate growth with minor variation. Wages and Salaries followed two different distinct trends, a fairly steady decline from FY 1993 to FY 2000 and moderate growth from FY 2000 to FY 2005.  Retirement / Disability Payments and Wages and Salaries categories appear not to be influenced by the volatility in federal spending in other expenditure categories related to typhoon related assistance and recovery expenditures. Trends in other categories including Grants, Other Direct Payments for Individuals, Procurement Contracts and Direct Payments other than for Individuals show a general increasing trend with tremendous volatility related to typhoon expenditures.
  • Per Capita expenditures increased 13 percent from $7,413 in FY 1993 to $8,381 in FY 2005. Increasing population numbers make the growth rate of expenditures on a per capita basis substantially less than on a total expenditure basis as the dollars support a larger population base.
  • Real Expenditures ñ monetary expenditures deflated by the consumer price index to account for reduced purchasing power of the expenditures due to inflation showed federal expenditures growing as a slower rate.
  • Real Per Capita expenditures have shown considerable variation over the years, but have declined somewhat from 1993 - 2005 using either the U.S. or Guam C.P.I. as a deflator.



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