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Occurrence Reporting and Processing System
ORPS Database Access
Daily Occurrence Reports
Weekly Summary of Significant Occurrences
Occurrence Reporting Quality
ORPS Training Material
Final Occurrence Reports Database Access
Occurrence Reporting Listserver
Latest ORPS Information
Corporate Safety Analysis

Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS) Logo

Occurrence Reporting and Processing System

The Department of Energy's Occurrence Reporting Program provides timely notification to the DOE complex of events that could adversely affect: public or DOE worker health and safety, the environment, national security, DOE's safeguards and security interests, functioning of DOE facilities, or the Department's reputation.

DOE analyzes aggregate occurrence information for generic implications and operational improvements. The Occurrence Reporting Program, including the Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS), are described in DOE O 231.1A, Environment, Safety and Health Reporting, and its associated Manual, DOE M 231.1-2, Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information. Other related documents are DOE G 231.1-1, Occurrence Reporting and Performance Analysis Guide, and DOE G 231.1-2, Occurrence Reporting Causal Analysis Guide.

The ORPS GUI is:
arrow Further information regarding the ORPS GUI may be found here
arrow Contact the ORPS HelpDesk at with any problems or questions.
arrow ORPS Database Access
  Requires prior registration. For further information, contact Eugenia Boyle at

Registration Forms:

- User Registration Form (PDF)
- Facility Registration Form (PDF)

arrow Daily Occurrence Reports

A daily summary and listing of occurrence reports submitted to DOE since the morning of the previous workday.

arrow Weekly Summary of Significant Occurrences

A listing of the significant occurrences from the preceding week.

arrow ORPS Training Material
  Two Computer Based Training courses and the ORPS User's Manual with basic information on using the various features of the system.

arrow Occurrence Reporting Quality
  Keeping the data clean; Helping write better reports.
arrow Final Occurrence Reports Database Access
  Restricted access for DOE and DOE contractor personnel only to nonsensitive DOE Final Occurrence Reports since 1990, updated daily.

arrow Complex-Wide ORPS Tools

Tools designed across the complex to assist in occurrence reporting, including Occurrence Report Writing Documents, ORPS Reporting Form Templates, and Occurrence Report QA Checklists.

arrow Occurrence Reporting Listserver
  Stay up on the latest by subscribing to the OR Listserver. Access is restricted to DOE and DOE contractor personnel.

arrow Latest ORPS Information New

Catch up on the latest changes to ORPS.

arrow Interpretations Associated with DOE M 231.1-1A Requirements
  Guidance and examples to illustrate the intent of the Manual requirements.

- DOE Approved Interpretations
- Proposed Interpretations
This page was last updated on April 08, 2009
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