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Wednesday, 13 May 2009

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Alien Labor Processing & Certification PDF Print E-mail
Please click here to report potential H2B fraud or abuse

Guam is unique in the fact that the Governor of Guam has been granted certifying authority for Temporary Labor Certifications issued in Guam.  To protect this very valuable authority, the Government of Guam has promulgated rules and regulations to protect against abuse and fraud. The Alien Labor Processing & Certification Division (ALPCD) was created to oversee the employment of H-2B workers in Guam and monitor employers of such workers.

The division has four major functions:

  1. To review, receive, process and adjudicate applications for Temporary Alien Labor Certifications for Guam.
  2. To register all H-2B workers entering Guam evidenced by the issuance of an H-2 ID Card
  3. Conduct monitoring, surveillance and investigative activities to prevent violations of the Rules and Regulations.
  4. Compile and maintain records and statistical data.

ALPCD is currently evolving in anticipation of a dramatic increase in construction activities in the next few years.   This web page is intended to help assist employers and the general public understand the program and what our objectives and goals are now and in the future.

To the left, you will find our navigation buttons, which cover various topics such as labor certification, fraud and abuse, compliance and many others in the future.

Please visit the site often, as we will strive to have updated content posted on a regular basis.
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Guam Registered Apprenticeship Action Clinic

Monday, 04 May 2009 | Administrator

Collaborate for Success:  Partnering with Registered ApprenticeshipThe Guam Registered Apprenticeship Team, and the Guam Department of Labor will be hosting an upcoming action clinic -...
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COBRA Continuation Coverage Assistance Under The American Recovery And Reinvestment Act

Tuesday, 10 March 2009 | Administrator

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) provides for a 65% reduction in COBRA premiums for certain assistance eligible individuals for up to 9 months. An assistance eligible...
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