
Figure 20. Cumulative percentage of 2004 New England fish landings (metric tons) plotted as a function of the cumulative percentage of permitted vessels. The dashed line represents landings of all species, and the solid line represents landings of only groundfish species. Vessels participating in the Study Fleet pilot program are indicated by circles. The all-species curve is based on dealer weighout landings data from 1727 unique vessel permits landing 405,906 mt of all fish species. The groundfish curve is based on 895 unique vessel permits landing 39,369 mt of groundfish species. Groundfish species included in this analysis are: Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), pollock (Pollachius virens), white hake (Urophycis tenuis), Acadian redfish (Sebastes fasciatus), ocean pout (Zoarces americanus), yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea), winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus), witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus), windowpane flounder (Scophthalmus aquosus), American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides), and Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus).

Figure 20

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