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  • Political Correctness Won't Power America
    Apr 8, 2009  - The spin doctors, talking heads and special interest groups have surrounded energy policy and prices with a rhetorical fog that obscures the real issue: Michigan and the nation need an "all of the above" balanced energy policy that is based upon common sense. I hoped that we, as a nation, learne... More
  • Pete's Perspective: Omnibus Lands Bill
    Mar 25, 2009  - Protecting the environment and the resources that help to sustain its natural beauty is an important priority. However, the public should be provided with reasonable access to such resources for its enjoyment. For the second time in 2009 Congress considered the Omnibus Public Land Management Act.... More
  • Hoekstra Votes against Overly Restrictive Land Management Bill
    Mar 12, 2009  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today voted against a massive bill that blocks American energy exploration, discourages job creation and restricts access to public land. "I fully support the environment, but the public should have reasonable access for its enjoyment and for meeting energy ne... More
  • Hoekstra Responds to President Obama’s Address to Congress
    Feb 24, 2009  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today issued the following statement upon the conclusion of President Barack Obama’s address to a bicameral session of Congress. “President Obama continues to make history with his first-ever address before a joint session of Congress. He outlined the great ch... More
  • Hoekstra Responds to President’s Order to Review Auto Emissions in California
    Jan 26, 2009  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today responded to President Barack Obama ordering the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to review whether California and 14 other states can implement their own tailpipe emissions regulations. “Allowing California to implement its own tailpipe emissions s... More
  • Hoekstra Statement on Rep. Dingell
    Nov 20, 2008  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, issued the following statement after House Democrats removed U.S. Rep. John Dingell, D-Dearborn, as chairman of the powerful House Committee on Energy and Commerce and replaced him with U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Los Angeles. “I am disappointed that House Democ... More
  • Hoekstra Votes to Allow Offshore Drilling Ban to Expire
    Sep 24, 2008  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today voted to allow the congressional ban on offshore energy exploration and oil shale production to expire. “Allowing the ban to expire is a positive development if it remains permanent,” Hoekstra said. “It is a necessary component of an environmentally sens... More
  • Hoekstra Votes against Bill that Fails to Address Energy Crisis
    Sep 16, 2008  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today voted against an energy bill that will fail to address the current crisis. “High gas prices are significantly impacting the pocketbooks of Americans now and home heating costs are expected to skyrocket by winter,” Hoekstra said. “Americans need Congress ... More
  • The 21st Century Boston Tea Party
    Aug 18, 2008  - The Washington Times By Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) and Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ) August 18, 2008 Republicans in Congress are staging a historic 21st-century Boston Tea Party on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. On Aug. 1, Speaker Nancy Pelosi - without addressing gas prices t... More
  • Hoekstra Returns to Washington to Continue Energy Debate
    Aug 18, 2008  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today returned to Washington, D.C. to continue to pressure House leadership to hold a vote on an “all of the above” energy strategy to stabilize prices. “For the past two weeks – including on my annual bike tour – I have listened and talked with people through... More