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  • Turtle fence shouldn't rank as Michigan highway priority
    Oct 26, 2007  - Lansing cannot be serious. After Michigan endured budget negotiations in which Gov. Jennifer Granholm would not accept any compromise without a tax increase and that led to a temporary government shutdown, the Michigan Department of Transportation announced that it is spending $318,000 to create a 4... More
  • What Happened in Syria?
    Oct 20, 2007  - Over the last few weeks, State Department officials have reported major diplomatic breakthroughs that will roll back North Korea's nuclear weapons program, allow Pyongyang to be removed from the U.S. state sponsors of terror list, and normalize relations between our two countries. North Korea report... More
  • Agriculture helping to drive the West Michigan economy
    Sep 20, 2007  - Agriculture is a cornerstone of the Michigan economy and has flourished in West Michigan in particular because of its freshwater and unique climate and soils. A recent study conducted by Michigan State University finds that the entire agri-food system in Michigan accounts for $60.1 billion in total... More
  • Bill targets terrorists, not liberties
    Aug 28, 2007  - Just as hearsay is not admissible in court, hearsay should not serve as a basis for public policy. Over the past couple of weeks, there have been numerous press accounts purportedly describing the operational and legal issues behind the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance bill introduced by Republican... More
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Intelligence Leakers
    Aug 6, 2007  - The fate of Harry Potter in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows was a closely guarded secret that was not supposed to be revealed before the book’s official release on July 21. The U.S. Postal Service tried to protect the secret when a mailman asked a Chicago-area woman to give back... More
  • The threat is real
    Aug 3, 2007  - Domestic law enforcement requires a court-issued warrant to listen to calls between fellow Americans if they are suspected of plotting crimes. However, should we extend that same right to foreign enemies? Thirty years ago we faced a large, lethargic bureaucracy in the Soviet Union that moved slowly.... More
  • 'Get Smart' in Washington
    Aug 3, 2007  - Imagine this scenario: U.S. intelligence against al Qaeda has declined by two-thirds because of court restrictions, and President Hillary Rodham Clinton is asking Congress to fix the problem. But Senate Republicans refuse to cooperate until the White House turns over executive branch documents, and ... More
  • Leave No Felon Behind
    Jun 12, 2007  -   America needs immigration reform, but it might be good news that the Senate recently shelved the bill it was debating. Republicans fought for six years against moving in the direction in which the Senate attempted to take us, and for good reason. We knew exactly where President Bush and ... More
  • Environmental 'Intelligence'?
    May 10, 2007  - Here we go again. The 2008 intelligence authorization bill, which the House may vote on this week, diverts CIA and other intelligence resources away from critical terrorism-related missions to study global climate change. If it becomes law, the legislation will force agencies to complete a National ... More
  • Restore Local Control after No Child Left Behind
    Apr 25, 2007  - We have come a long way since Congress voted 242-174 to prevent the federal government from spending tax dollars on national K-12 testing as proposed by President Clinton in 1998. In three short years Congress passed No Child Left Behind (NCLB), which has become the largest expansion of the federal ... More