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As a member of Congress, I have sought to provide elementary and secondary school educators with the tools necessary to effectively meet the needs of their students. I am committed to education reform, ensuring that our children are prepared for the 21st century. I have strongly advocated for education reform through parental empowerment, flexibility and accountability. I have also sought to return dollars and decisions back home to the parents, teachers and administrators who know our children’s educational needs. I believe Congress should resist enacting more federal mandates that restrict local ingenuity and development, and instead allow local school districts determine how best to use federal resources.

Over the last eight years, federal funding for education has substantially increased. However, the federal contribution represents only a small part of total education spending, since most funding for education is provided through state and local governments. While some may see more spending as the answer to addressing educational disparities, I am not convinced that it is the primary solution to improve education. In fact, over the last 30 years the amount of money spent per pupil has more than doubled, yet overall academic achievement has remained stagnant.

I firmly believe part of the solution to enriching our children’s intellectual development lies in encouraging parents to become more involved in the education of their children, returning to basic academics and ensuring we have qualified teachers in the classroom.

Related Links:

National Dialogue on Safe Schools