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  • Pete’s Perspective on the Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights
    May 5, 2009  - As access to credit cards has increased, so have demands for the credit card industry to reform many of its practices. Without so much as a warning, responsible consumers across the nation are experiencing the issue firsthand through interest rate hikes and excessive fees. In response to such pr... More
  • Pete's Perspective on Legislative Response to North Korean Provocation
    Apr 30, 2009  - In response to North Korea’s recent unsuccessful long-range missile launch over Japan, I became an original co-sponsor of H.R. 1980, the North Korea Sanctions and Diplomatic Nonrecognition Act. Introduced by Rep. Illeana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), H.R. 1980 would impose both economic sanctions and dipl... More
  • Pete’s Perspective: Asparagus Industry Still Feeling Effects of Poor Government Policy
    Apr 27, 2009  - Michigan asparagus growers continue to be economically injured as a result of the Andean Trade Preferences Act (ATPA) and the newly enacted Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA). Originally intended to provide Peruvian coca leaf and opium drug growers with an alternative crop in the hope of stem... More
  • Pete’s Perspective on Stem Cell Research Regulations
    Apr 21, 2009  - Last month, President Obama overturned an executive order that prohibited government-financed research on embryonic stem cell lines. The new executive order will allow American taxpayer dollars to fund research that involves the destruction of human embryos. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) l... More
  • Pete’s Perspective on Taxpayer Tea Parties
    Apr 15, 2009  - In recent days, individuals across Michigan and the nation have been contacting my office regarding today’s “Taxpayer Tea Parties.” The goal of these events is to demonstrate outrage over the massive amounts of spending and tax increases being forced on the American taxpayer by current leadership in... More
  • Pete’s Perspective on Taxes in the House Budget
    Apr 9, 2009  - Last week, the House set the table for the largest tax increase in history by passing the budget for 2010. I opposed it because the U.S. economy cannot afford crippling tax increases on working families and small businesses compiled with record deficit spending. As the country lies in the midst ... More
  • Pete's Perspective on North Korea Missile Launch
    Apr 6, 2009  - On Sunday, April 5, 2009 North Korea provocatively launched a long-range missile over Japan under the guise of attempting to launch a satellite into space. Thankfully the launch was unsuccessful as the Pentagon believes the North Koreans were unable to launch their satellite into orbit as its payloa... More
  • Pete's Perspective on the Vocabulary of Terrorism
    Apr 2, 2009  - Recently Department of Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano announced a major Southwest Border Security Initiative. I applaud her effort. I have long advocated for increased "enforcement" of our borders and providing Border Patrol agents all the tools they need to successfully secure our borders. ... More
  • Pete’s Perspective on Deficit Spending in the House Budget
    Mar 31, 2009  - This week the House is scheduled to vote on the federal budget. During debate on the budget, various numbers will be discussed. However, it is clear that this budget will far exceed the highest level of deficit spending in American history. The 2010 budget calls for $3.6 trillion in spending and... More
  • Pete's Perspective: Omnibus Lands Bill
    Mar 25, 2009  - Protecting the environment and the resources that help to sustain its natural beauty is an important priority. However, the public should be provided with reasonable access to such resources for its enjoyment. For the second time in 2009 Congress considered the Omnibus Public Land Management Act.... More