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Contact: Dave Yonkman 202-225-4401

Hoekstra Introduces Legislation that Frees States from Mandates Tied to No Child Left Behind
A-PLUS Act would Allow States to Assume Greater Autonomy and Accountability to Parents and Communities


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Washington, Mar 25 - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, has reintroduced his A-PLUS bill that will free states from the onerous mandates imposed upon them under the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) federal education law.

"The A-PLUS Act will restore accountability to parents and schools as states advance their academic policies to successfully serve all students," Hoekstra said. "No Child Left Behind has only created more testing, more paperwork and has cost schools more money to comply with costly federal mandates."

The Academic Partnerships Lead Us to Success Act (A-PLUS), which was introduced with 52-co-sponsors, would free states from the federal requirements tied to funding under NCLB and grant them the flexibility to implement initiatives that they develop to best meet the unique needs of their particular students.

Under the legislation, all states would have the option of providing the Secretary of Education with a "declaration of intent" to assume full responsibility for the education of their students. They would continue to receive federal support, but they would have the freedom and flexibility to use the resources in a manner that they determine best meets their students’ educational needs.

"NCLB has created a one-size-fits-all approach to education when students and schools are very unique with very different needs," Hoekstra said. "States that submit a ‘declaration of intent’ will not be required to comply with the mandates of NCLB and will no longer be beholden to the federal government."

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