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Stormwater Management at EPA Facilities

Atlanta, Georgia— Samuel Nunn Atlanta Federal Center (Urban Forestry)
Chelmsford, Massachusetts—New England Regional Laboratory (On-Lot Treatment Vortex)
Corvallis, Oregon—Western Ecology Division Laboratory (Composite Pavers)
Denver, Colorado—Region 8 Office (Green Roof)
Duluth, Minnesota—Mid-Continent Ecology Division Laboratory (Native Landscaping Meadow/Stormwater Buffer)
Edison, New Jersey—Environmental Center for Research and Development (Porous Pavement)
Fort Meade, Maryland (Rain Garden /Bioretention)
Gulf Breeze, Florida—Gulf Ecology Division Laboratory (Grassed Swale)
Kansas City, Kansas—Center for Science and Technology (Roof Rainwater Capture)
Newport, Oregon—Pacific Coastal Ecology  Branch Laboratory (Stormwater Capture)
Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina (Wet Retention)


Atlanta, GA—Urban Forestry
The high-rise building of the Samuel Nunn Atlanta Federal Center in Georgia houses a forested courtyard with a stand of approximately 50 maple trees, flowering cherry trees, and various other deciduous species, as well as native drought-resistant vegetation and paths of semi-pervious concrete pavers. Trees filter pollutants, absorb water, and enhance ground water recharge through root canals. A 2002 United States Department of Agriculture study by the Center for Urban Forest Research found that one medium-sized tree can absorb 2,380 gallons of water per year.

Chelmsford, MA—On-Lot Treatment Vortex
At the New England Regional Laboratory in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, a stormwater treatment system collects runoff from the site’s parking lot storm drains and separates sediment and oil from stormwater. Water from impervious surfaces flows into an underground chamber, where a vortex enhances gravitational settling of sediment. An oil baffle wall then removes oils and other floatables before treated water is released through a flow control chamber into the stormwater pipe system. 

Corvallis, OR—Composite Pavers
At the Western Ecology Division Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon, EPA is installing two pathways and a picnic area using semi-pervious composite pavers rather than traditional pavement. The composite material is composed of 95 percent recycled tires and plastic and exceeds stormwater management permeability requirements, mitigating the quantity and rate of runoff.

Denver, CO—Green Roof                      
The three-terrace, 20,000-square-foot extensive green roof at the EPA Region 8 office in Denver, Colorado, is specifically designed to meet stormwater management requirements. The roof also serves as a “living laboratory” for monitoring the viability of six species of sedum, as well as the roof’s utility in reducing peak flow runoff, treating pollutants, and mitigating urban heat island effect. 

Duluth, MN—Native Landscaping Meadow/Stormwater Buffer
Two acres of meadow grasses and other native plants surrounding EPA’s Mid-Continent Ecology Division Laboratory in Duluth, Minnesota, provide a buffer between the site’s impervious surfaces and Lake Superior. As stormwater runs through the meadow, the native landscaping helps filter out pollutants and allow for ground absorption.

Edison, NJ—Porous Pavement
The 1-acre porous parking lot at Edison Environmental Center for Research and Demonstration in Edison, New Jersey, will consist of three parking aisles paved with porous concrete, porous asphalt, and paver blocks, respectively. Underdrains below each paving surface will allow for testing the materials’ effectiveness in achieving ground water recharge and pollutant removal.

Fort Meade, MD—Rain Garden (Bioretention)
EPA employees in Fort Meade, Maryland, helped construct a rain garden with native grasses, goldenrod, coneflowers, and rain chains to help reduce splash erosion as stormwater falls from roof gutters to the garden. Rain gardens direct runoff into landscaped depressions beneath garden surfaces where stormwater is filtered and detained as it soaks into the ground or is taken up by plants.

Gulf Breeze, FL—Grassed Swale
A grassed swale helps convey stormwater from the impervious surfaces of the Gulf Ecology Division Laboratory on Sabine Island in Florida to areas that can detain or absorb runoff. As water passes through a vegetated swale, pollutants are removed. Vegetation also provides channel protection, which reduces erosion. Swales also help ground water recharge by slowing stormwater movement, allowing the stormwater to infiltrate.

Kansas City, KS—Roof Rainwater Capture
At the Center for Science and Technology in Kansas City, Kansas, a roof capture system collects rainwater for onsite treatment and reuse in irrigation, lavatory  flushing, and cooling towers. The system reduces the amount of stormwater reaching the ground by 40 percent and facility water use by approximately 50 percent.

Newport, OR—Stormwater Capture
Two polyethylene tanks at the Pacific Coastal Ecology Branch Laboratory in Newport, Oregon, are being reused for stormwater capture. Roof drains have been routed to the tanks, and a small electric pump provides pressure for the rinsing of sampling boats and hovercraft.

Research Triangle Park (RTP), NC—Wet Retention 
The RTP, North Carolina, campus has four bioretention cells, seven constructed wetlands, and three wet retention ponds. At a minimum, all site drainage is directed through one of the site’s wet retention ponds or lakes before entering the drainage system and watershed. In addition to providing flood control, wet retention ponds should provide sediment and pollutant removal by including a forebay to trap sediment and heavy pollutants before they reach the main pond. Dry retention ponds also allow for infiltration and ground water recharge.

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