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Contact: Dave Yonkman 202-225-4401

Hoekstra Responds to President Obama’s Address to Congress


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Washington, Feb 24 - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today issued the following statement upon the conclusion of President Barack Obama’s address to a bicameral session of Congress.

“President Obama continues to make history with his first-ever address before a joint session of Congress. He outlined the great challenges that America is facing, including most immediately the economic crisis and the threat from radical jihadists, and I hope that we can overcome them by working together.

“However, his speech was big on themes for issues such as health care, education and energy, but short on specifics. I am concerned that his proposals will result in even more massive amounts of deficit spending. The trend of spending borrowed Washington money on the economy leaves me uncomfortable, and I am not sure where it will leave us in 12 to 24 months.

“I hope that President Obama follows through on tax cuts for working families -- as well as extend them to small businesses – and reforming government in the effort to stabilize the economy. I look forward to the president presenting his 2010 budget to Congress and seeing the details of his agenda.”

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