
Table 2. Comparison of length ranges and minimum and maximum lengths (cm) used in this study to those observed on NEFSC bottom trawl surveys during 1963-99, including differences in the minimum and maximum lengths relative to the 1963-99 values, and the ratios of this study's ranges divided by the 1963-99 surveys' ranges.

Species 1963-99 Survey
Lengths (cm)
This Study's
Lengths (cm)

Min. Max. Range Min. Max. Range Min. Max.
Sand tiger 98 261 163 150 260 110 52 1 0.67
Chain dogfish 7 50 43 10 45 35 3 5 0.81
Atlantic sharpnose shark 41 175 134 50 100 50 9 75 0.37
Smooth dogfish 29 150 121 40 150 110 11 0 0.91
Sandbar shark 61 186 125 63 174 111 2 12 0.89
Spiny dogfish 5 117 112 13 114 101 8 3 0.90
Atlantic angel shark 16 123 107 32 120 88 16 3 0.82
Atlantic torpedo 35 140 105 71 102 31 36 38 0.30
Clearnose skate 7 93 86 22 71 49 15 22 0.57
Little skate 5 66 61 6 63 57 1 3 0.93
Barndoor skate 19 132 113 23 121 98 4 11 0.87
Winter skate 10 135 125 13 111 98 3 24 0.78
Rosette skate 4 47 43 14 43 29 10 4 0.67
Smooth skate 9 73 64 15 65 50 6 8 0.78
Thorny skate 8 109 101 10 105 95 2 4 0.94
Southern stingray 21 108 87 45 100 55 24 8 0.63
Roughtail stingray 10 190 180 36 155 119 26 35 0.66
Bluntnose stingray 18 135 117 18 104 86 0 31 0.74
Spiny butterfly ray 20 217 197 38 210 172 18 7 0.87
Smooth butterfly ray 22 176 154 40 84 44 18 92 0.29
Bullnose ray 21 143 122 28 129 101 7 14 0.83
Cownose ray 34 103 69 34 103 69 0 0 1.00
Atlantic sturgeon 56 226 170 84 159 75 28 67 0.44
American shad 4 62 58 8 53 45 4 9 0.78
Blueback herring 5 42 37 7 29 22 2 13 0.59
Alewife 3 46 43 10 27 17 7 19 0.40
Atlantic herring 3 46 43 4 37 33 1 9 0.77
Round herring 4 21 17 11 20 9 7 1 0.53
Atlantic thread herring 1 26 25 5 18 13 4 8 0.52
Spanish sardine 3 27 24 8 18 10 5 9 0.42
Goosefish 3 121 118 5 101 96 2 20 0.81
Atlantic cod 2 141 139 4 120 116 2 21 0.83
Pollock 3 160 157 13 112 99 10 48 0.63
Red hake 1 70 69 2 68 66 1 2 0.96
Spotted hake 2 46 44 3 43 40 1 3 0.91
White hake 2 136 134 4 126 122 2 10 0.91
Cusk 6 105 99 6 95 89 0 10 0.90
Haddock 3 93 90 4 88 84 1 5 0.93
Silver hake 1 78 77 3 63 60 2 15 0.78
Offshore hake 5 60 55 8 51 43 3 9 0.78
Fawn cusk-eel 4 44 40 13 28 15 9 16 0.38
Ocean pout 4 103 99 7 98 91 3 5 0.92
Buckler dory 6 55 49 9 53 44 3 2 0.90
Acadian redfish 3 52 49 3 47 44 0 5 0.90
Blackbelly rosefish 2 47 45 4 35 31 2 12 0.69
Northern searobin 1 45 44 21 34 13 20 11 0.30
Sea raven 3 69 66 7 68 61 4 1 0.92
Longhorn sculpin 3 60 57 4 37 33 1 23 0.58
Striped bass 6 121 115 23 102 79 17 19 0.69
Black sea bass 3 58 55 3 54 51 0 4 0.93
Bluefish 2 88 86 3 80 77 1 8 0.90
Greater amberjack 9 114 105 30 80 50 21 34 0.48
Scup 1 44 43 4 38 34 3 6 0.79
Vermilion snapper 2 52 50 8 21 13 6 31 0.26
Weakfish 2 84 82 3 70 67 1 14 0.82
Spot 3 29 26 9 26 17 6 3 0.65
Southern kingfish 4 40 36 17 39 22 13 1 0.61
Northern kingfish 4 38 34 24 29 5 20 9 0.15
Atlantic croaker 1 49 48 6 44 38 5 5 0.79
Atlantic spadefish 3 51 48 22 43 21 19 8 0.44
Tautog 11 69 58 18 39 21 7 30 0.36
Cunner 3 49 46 8 36 28 5 13 0.61
Atlantic wolffish 3 122 119 24 107 83 21 15 0.70
Atlantic mackerel 4 51 47 12 45 33 8 6 0.70
Spanish mackerel 3 89 86 18 59 41 15 30 0.48
Butterfish 1 29 28 1 23 22 0 6 0.79
Summer flounder 11 78 67 12 78 66 1 0 0.99
Fourspot flounder 3 49 46 3 49 46 0 0 1.00
Windowpane 2 48 46 2 44 42 0 4 0.91
Witch flounder 3 69 66 4 64 60 1 5 0.91
American plaice 3 66 63 3 65 62 0 1 0.98
Yellowtail flounder 2 58 56 4 55 51 2 3 0.91
Winter flounder 3 69 66 4 60 56 1 9 0.85
Atlantic halibut 4 154 150 8 154 146 4 0 0.97

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