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Plant Physiol. 2008 May; 147(1): 128–142.
doi: 10.1104/pp.107.111799.
PMCID: PMC2330296
Arabidopsis Ribosomal Proteins RPL23aA and RPL23aB Are Differentially Targeted to the Nucleolus and Are Disparately Required for Normal Development1[C][W][OA]
Rory F. Degenhardt* and Peta C. Bonham-Smith
Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N 5E2
*Corresponding author; e-mail rfd014/at/
Received October 26, 2007; Accepted February 26, 2008.
Protein synthesis is catalyzed by the ribosome, a two-subunit enzyme comprised of four ribosomal RNAs and, in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), 81 ribosomal proteins (r-proteins). Plant r-protein genes exist as families of multiple expressed members, yet only one r-protein from each family is incorporated into any given ribosome, suggesting that many r-protein genes may be functionally redundant or development/tissue/stress specific. Here, we characterized the localization and gene-silencing phenotypes of a large subunit r-protein family, RPL23a, containing two expressed genes (RPL23aA and RPL23aB). Live cell imaging of RPL23aA and RPL23aB in tobacco with a C-terminal fluorescent-protein tag demonstrated that both isoforms accumulated in the nucleolus; however, only RPL23aA was targeted to the nucleolus with an N-terminal fluorescent protein tag, suggesting divergence in targeting efficiency of localization signals. Independent knockdowns of endogenous RPL23aA and RPL23aB transcript levels using RNA interference determined that an RPL23aB knockdown did not alter plant growth or development. Conversely, a knockdown of RPL23aA produced a pleiotropic phenotype characterized by growth retardation, irregular leaf and root morphology, abnormal phyllotaxy and vasculature, and loss of apical dominance. Comparison to other mutants suggests that the phenotype results from reduced ribosome biogenesis, and we postulate a link between biogenesis, microRNA-target degradation, and maintenance of auxin homeostasis. An additional RNA interference construct that coordinately silenced both RPL23aA and RPL23aB demonstrated that this family is essential for viability.