
Dave Yonkman 202.225.4928

Hoekstra Joins Fellow Republicans in Opposition to Releasing Terrorists into the U.S.

Bill Introduced today would Prevent Terrorists Held at Guantanamo Bay from Entry into U.S. Communities

Washington, May 7 -

U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, joined other House committee ranking members in introducing a bill that would prevent sending terrorists currently held at Guantanamo Bay to the United States.

"Releasing hardcore radical jihadists into Michigan or anywhere else in the United States should horrify law-abiding citizens," Hoekstra said. "It would immediately and unnecessarily endanger American lives by sending trained terrorists into the very country that they vow to destroy."

One of President Barack Obama’s first acts upon his swearing in as President was to sign an executive order to close Guantanamo Bay without a plan for where to send the terrorists.

An unscientific poll conducted by Hoekstra during a telephone town hall in Michigan’s Second Congressional District on Tuesday revealed that more than 75 percent of West Michigan residents oppose closing the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba.

The bill introduced today creates a specific role for state governors prior to transferring detainees into their states and require the transparency in the process should the president move forward on such a plan.

"It is easy to become complacent eight years after the attacks of 9/11, but the extent to which radical jihadists are committed to mass murder cannot be forgotten," Hoekstra said. "The U.S. is at war against an enemy that believes in an ideology of eliminating our way of life. America needs to hold terrorists in a safe location as opposed to bringing them into the United States."
