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Contaminated Sediments Program

Key Sediment Problem Areas in the Great Lakes Basin

EPA's Great Lakes program identifies polluted sediments as the largest major source of contaminants to the Great Lakes food chain, including each of the 43 Areas of Concern. Over 2,000 miles (20%) of the shoreline are considered impaired because of sediment contamination and fish consumption advisories remain in place throughout the Great Lakes and many inland lakes. On the U.S. side of the border, sediments have been assessed at 26 Great Lakes locations and over 1,300,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediments have been remediated over the past 3 years. However, the challenge is so great sediment remediation is not yet complete at any US AoC."

status map of Great Lakes AOCs with sediment problems

list of sediment AOCs awaiting remediation

sediment AOC awaiting a decision

list of sediment AOCs with some remediation

For comments or questions, contact: Marc Tuchman, Environmental Scientist


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