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Addressing Sites Under the Brownfields Initiative

Title: Cost Estimating Tools and Resources for Addressing Sites Under the Brownfields Initiative


EPA’s Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative was established to assist states, site planners and other community stakeholders to work together to assess, cleanup and sustainability reuse brownfields sites. EPA has developed a series of guides to help these parties effectively address brownfields sites. This supplementary guide contains information on cost estimating tools and resources for addressing the assessment and cleanup cost aspects of brownfields sites and is designed to be used in conjunction with the other guides in the series.

Status: Completed.

Estimated Completion Date: April 1999

Available Deliverables: The report was published as an EPA Research & Development report, EPA/625/R-99/001.

EPA Principal Investigator:

Joan Colson

Office of Research & Development | National Risk Management Research Laboratory

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