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Contact: Dave Yonkman 202.225.4401

Hoekstra Votes for the Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act
Cites Support for West Michigan’s Specialty Crop Farmers


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Washington, May 14, 2008 - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today voted in support of the Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act, which provides support for West Michigan’s specialty crop farmers.

“Specialty crop agriculture is a major driver of West Michigan’s economy,” Hoekstra said. “Supporting farming is an investment in the future competitiveness of our state.”

The Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act (H.R. 2419) contains $3 billion in funding and major policy priorities of the fruit and vegetable industry, including investments in research, technical assistance and grants to improve industry competitiveness, and an expanded program to provide healthy fresh fruits and vegetables to school children across the country.

Hoekstra expressed concern that the $307 billion bill failed to provide any meaningful reforms to the 2002 farm bill when crop prices are already at all-time highs.

Key crop prices have increased as much as 281 percent since the 2002 farm bill passed, and total farm income has more than doubled. Farm income in 2008 is expected reach an all-time high of $92.3 billion, an increase of 56 percent in two years.

Hoekstra also noted that only 11 percent of the Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act funds farming, and more than 68 percent funds nutrition programs.

“The Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act is flawed in many ways, but Michigan’s economy needs all the help available as it continues to endure hardships,” Hoekstra said. “Increasing support for farming will help the industry to create jobs and help the state to rebound.”

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