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05/08/2009 Week in Review 5/04-5/8
Week in Review Pete’s Perspective - Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights Press Releases - Hoekstra Statement on April Employment Report - Hoekstra Joins Fellow Republicans in Opposition to Releasing Terrorists into the U.S. Videos - ...
05/05/2009 Pete's Perspective on the Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights
Pete’s Perspective on the Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights As access to credit cards has increased, so have demands for the credit card industry to reform many of its practices. Without so much as a warning, responsible consumers across the nat...
05/01/2009 Week in Review 4/27-5/1
Week in Review Pete’s Perspective - Asparagus Industry Still Feeling Effects of Poor Government Policy - Legislative Response to North Korean Provocation Press Releases - Hoekstra Votes against Crippling Tax Increase, Massive Government ...
04/30/2009 Pete's Perspective on Legislative Response to North Korean Provacation
Pete's Perspective on Legislative Response to North Korean Provacation In response to North Korea’s recent unsuccessful long-range missile launch over Japan, I became an original co-sponsor of H.R. 1980, the North Korea Sanctions and Diplomatic No...
04/27/2009 Pete's Perspective: Asparagus Industry Still Feeling Effects of Poor Government Policy
Pete’s Perspective: Asparagus Industry Still Feeling Effects of Poor Government Policy Michigan asparagus growers continue to be economically injured as a result of the Andean Trade Preferences Act (ATPA) and the newly enacted Peru Trade Promotion...
04/24/2009 Week in Review 4/20-4/24
Week in Review Pete’s Perspective - Stem Cell Research Regulations Op-Ed - (Wall Street Journal) Congress Knew About the Interrogations Press Releases - Hoekstra Introduces Automobile Tax Credit - Local Unemployment Rates Increase ...
04/21/2009 Pete's Perspective on Stem Cell Research Regulations
Pete’s Perspective on Stem Cell Research Regulations Last month, President Obama overturned an executive order that prohibited government-financed research on embryonic stem cell lines. The new executive order will allow American taxpayer dollars...
04/17/2009 Week in Review 4/13-4/17
Week in Review Pete's Poll - Would you purchase an automobile from a company that has filed for bankruptcy? (*link to the poll question) Pete’s Perspective - Taxpayer Tea Parties Press Releases - Hoekstra Ap...
04/15/2009 Pete's Perspective on Taxpayer Tea Parties
Pete’s Perspective on Taxpayer Tea Parties In recent days, individuals across Michigan and the nation have been contacting my office regarding today’s “Taxpayer Tea Parties.” The goal of these events is to demonstrate outrage over the massive amo...
04/14/2009 Pete's Poll on Automobile Purchases
Dear Friend: I am writing to seek your feedback on the challenges facing the American automotive industry. The success of the Big 3 auto manufacturers is critical to the economic stability of Michigan and the Nation. Their current struggles have...
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